Page Merkel in Facebook came under the spam attack from Ukrainian users
Official page of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the social network Facebook has undergone Tuesday spam attack from users from Ukraine, calling it " Ribbentrop ". Leave notes With the hashtag #DankeFrauRibbenrtrop ( " Thank you, Mrs. Ribbentrop Pact ), the insults of the Chancellor and allegations of Union With the Russian President Vladimir Putin, RIA " Novosti ". Merkel and Putin on July 14, held a dialogue in Rio de Janeiro, and then together attended the match Argentina - Germany football world Cup. In response to the attack, the Internet edition of the ruling party, Christian-democratic Union, which maintains a page Merkel, released a letter about the fact that abusive and illegal explanations will be deleted." According to our rules of etiquette on the Internet, We welcome comments on the merits on the current page. However, we reserve the right to delete explanations that are in conflict with the law, contain insults, racist or political extremism. We welcome a constructive dialogue on the merits, and we hope that soon we will be able to return ", - is informed in the report. Joachim von Ribbentrop was the Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany (1938-1945). His name is the most important thing is linked to the non-aggression Pact and section of spheres of influence in Eastern Europe, signed between the Soviet Union and Germany in 1939 (the Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact). Then the independent Baltic States and was a part of Poland's Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia were assigned to the Soviet sphere of interests and soon joined to the USSR.