Crew of International Space Station to go spaceward
On Friday night 12-th crew of International Space Station - NASA astronaut William McArthur and Russian cosmonaut Valery Tokarev - will go spaceward. The station will remain uninhabited for 5 hours 58 minutes.
The goals of the crew are the launch of satellite-space-suit "RadioScaf", dismantling of a container with scientific equipment "Biorisk-MSN" from docking module "Pierce", photographing of micrometeorite controlling sensors at service module "Star", examination and photographing of an antenna, and monitoring of the external elements` conditions of Russian MSS sector within the frames of "Panorama" experiment.
Moreover, William McArthur and Valery Tokarev will dismantle the adapter of cargo boom on Russian module "Zarya", and then will set this assembly at American hermetical adapter PMA-3.