National reward "Good angel" passed in Moscow
The solemn ceremony of the presentation of the first National public reward "Good angel", founded by the International charitable fund "Maecenases of the century" passed in Moscow.
"The reward "Good angel" is called to attract the wide attention of people in Russia and beyond its limits to the trends of development of world charitable motion, to contribute to the public acknowledgement of the social significance of status of Maecenas" the presenter of the evening the TV anchor Ekaterina Piasetskaya opened the ceremony of reward by such words.
Reward was presented in 12 nominations. In the main nomination - "Honorable Maecenas and almsgiver of the world -2005" - was named the President of the republic of the Serbian Dragan Chavich. The ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in RF Enver Khalilovich got the symbolic statuette in the form of angel for him.
The director of the Institute of surgery nameв after Vishnevsky Vladimir Fedorov obtained the reward in the nomination "Good and mercy".
In the nomination "Service to people" were rewarded two people, the "Revival of power" - three people, including the deputy plenipotentiary of the President RF in the Far-Eastern federal region Aleksandr Gerasimenko.
In the nomination "Service to art" they were noted the People`s artist of the USSR, the art director of the theater named after Vakhtangov Mikhail Ulyanov, the deserved artist of Russia Aleksandr Pankratov-Cerny, the People`s artist of Russia Victor Pavlov.
Businessmen were mainly represented in the nominations "Kknights of mercy", "Iinterested heart" and the "Revival of spirituality". Here rewards obtained 36 people and organizations.
The media were nominated in the division the "Word of honor". Statuette obtained ten state regional TV and radio companies, in particular Kostroma, Chelyabinsk, Tver, etc. Most numerous to the rewards became the nomination "Muse of mercy", which were presented to the musical associations and performers. Among them the group "Prime minister", modeller and singer Sergey Zverev, the deserved artiste of Belorussia Jadwiga Poplavskaya, Ekaterina Lel etc. All the laureates in this nomination gladdened the spectators by their appearances during the ceremony.