Golitsyn: Western organization return to energy projects with Russia
Large energy organization of West returned to joint projects with Russian companies, despite the punishment the United States against the industry, says Piotr Galitzine, the head of the North American division's Pipe metallurgical company (TMK).
" I think that uncertainty is built (in punishment - approx. Ed.) , "said Galitzine, answering the question Last news in the process held at the Russian Embassy in the U.S. capital energy conference.
According to entrepreneur, Originally the Western organization because of the uncertainty in the wording of the sentences were afraid to do business with Russian partners.
" Initially We seen such a reaction from the larger players, their legal departments would say: let's all pause, " said Galitzine.
according to him, the situation has started to change." We are already seeing from large organizations that they return to small projects that are not under sectoral punishment. A normal situation gradually returned, " said the businessman.
The US, EU and several other countries have introduced against Russia punishment, accusing it of interfering in the situation in Ukraine, Moscow denies in principle. Punishment USA affect entire sectors of the Russian economy, including energy, financial and defense sector.