The President of Italy resigned
The eleventh Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has resigned. Copies of the resignation 89-year-old political activist Secretary-General of the office of the country's leaders Donato Marra delivers the Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi, and the chairmen of the chamber of deputies and the Senate of the national Parliament, Laura Boldrini, and Pietro Grasso.
Seven-year term Napolitano at the highest state post was supposed to expire in 2020, shall notify the Italian television station RaiNews24. To temporarily perform the duties of the President according to the Constitution, will be Grasso.
New favorite is elected at a joint session of both chambers of Parliament with the participation of the followers of all 20 regions of the state. For approval at the post, the candidate must meet 2 thirds of the votes of legislators.
Likely candidates called former mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni, the mayor of Turin, the former Minister of justice Piero Fassino, the arbiter of the constitutional court, often occupying Ministerial posts Sergio of Mattarella, Minister of foreign Affairs Paolo Gentiloni and Senator Anna Finocchiaro. They are all somehow linked to left center.
Note, Napolitano is the first in the history of the power head of the country, who was re-elected for a 2nd term. In early April 2013, when under the pressure of difficult political circumstances he was re-elected for a 2nd term, the President has made it clear that we are not going to occupy the highest office until the end of the seven-year mandate. The completion of its mandate Napolitano associated with the completion of the six-month presidency of Italy in the European Union.