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International users: Obama's speech full posturing

Readers of foreign media after the annual address of President Barack Hussein Obama's state of the state "in Congress believe that the statement of the American leader On foreign policy is full of double standards," And far from reality.

So, Jason To article ironically writes: " I think everyone in the country must join the war Obama - He intervenes in the Affairs of all countries And American citizens must be supported. And If a country violates the rules of the United States, as, For example, Russia, which recognized the danger of the " Arab war very close with them, It's wrong, because that's what Barack Obama says. For this reason, We owe it all to line up And or ruin Russia's life, or to compel her to obey ".

It supports the user Under the nickname flavius: " Large States cannot intimidate small ". Anybody listen to this hypocrite? And He hears himself? Needless to say, hears And believes that it does no one, for this reason what's the difference. Who does Not like the USA is the main bully in the world? And Who better than US most of all to interfere in the Affairs of all independent countries? And for this reason all these Clintons, the Bush And Obama years throwing some "small countries" with others. Under the guise of democracy for countries of the 3rd world, We fill the world with new cemeteries. These countries one has only to look at today in America, And They say, " If This government of the people, We do Not wish to be part of it ". Obama And the US So frustrated because Many States understand their hypocrisy And ready to run away from us, as from the lepers. They, of course, take our money, They have the ability to be silent, but They are Not stupid ".

The reader nic nic on the Internet representation believes that American primacy is becoming a myth: " the more He (Obama - approx. Ed.) says About leadership, the more the US from it in fact. The Senate And Congress, as children, were eager to fight And played all the cards punishment And oil prices. What? Russia turned to the East Is a real achievement! Or, maybe the United States have made achievements in China, India, Brazil, Iraq, Syria? I see No real leadership, only in the dreams of Obama ".

certain Readers with great distrust of the methods resorted To by the US in foreign policy, And sneer about the productivity of American punishment. Thus, the user time4apurge on the Internet representation emphasizes: " Obama says, We help Ukraine. Imposed punishment, little help. By itself, it is strange that punishment Obama (against Russia - approx. Ed.) have the ability to cause harm for allegedly eight months, And at the same time the punishment taken against Cuba 50 years ago, didn't work."

Thus Readers are sure most meaningless statements, And the internal problems of the United States effectively addressed to date.

So, the Reader JL writes: " Too late, Mr. head. Because you do not have a majority in Congress, these proposals are meaningless. You spent Six years trying to please people with wall street, And these fresh suggestions - just political posturing. Six years ago They would be impelled To action those Who actively supported you, but now They have become empty rhetoric ".

" Unfortunately, all We see is the old policy. Leader Obama knows that none of His initiatives will fail. He's just trying to force Republicans into a corner And force them to vote against these proposals. He also tries to expose Bush, Romney, Rubio And others. Force them to act against His proposals, And to pay for It, " says another user NYT Lucian Roosevelt.

most Readers believe that whatever was said Barack Obama, He is unable to solve internal problems of the United States.

" Meaningless speech. In the US, Nothing will change. Will not change in those things that make Many poor American citizens. Globalization will continue, the tax structure will Not change, the real economy will Not become paid attention to. I think it will get worse. Falling oil prices drove the Federal reserve system of the USA in the corner, the inflow of petrodollars is reduced. Maybe the fed will raise the benchmark interest rate, And This will lead To less economic activity, will make debt more expensive to service, " said the British Reader Nexusone.

" Nothing new, the same rhetoric, the chatter for the sake of talking. This message does Obama is No different from all His other speeches. Is already the sixth year, as the country is destroyed, And on the background of this unfolds show performed by the President, who has No clue about how to govern the country And does Not know About Its ideology, " considers the user Under the nickname fbaia Internet representation of Spanish Newspapers.

in addition, foreign users drew on statements by Barack Hussein Obama on the foreign policy of the United States.

The reader of the French edition Sven Hedin writes: "by the Way, one phrase Obama made me much to laugh:" We support the principle that Large States cannot intimidate small "

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