Russian Cosmonauts land on Mars
As a result of Russian researches in manned space activities cosmonauts will be able to fly around Mars in 2014 and in 2018 will land on the planet.
On Monday in Paris at 100-anniversary of the International Aviation Federation the council of the space chief Valery Polyakov declared that soon people will be able to land on Mars. He pointed out that all the researches will succeed on condition of Russian, USA, Europe and China collaboration.
As he informed in Moscow scientists work on the experiment "Mars-500" which is planned to start in the end of 2006.
"The main idea of the experiment to send cosmonauts into space for 500 days - the period needed to reach Mars" specified Polyakov.
During the experiment a lot of researches will be held in different fields: biological, medical, psychological, domestic connected to the duration of stay in space.
The council emphasized that first researches will be held on primates.
As for Polyakov himself he fulfilled the longest space flight - 437 days 17 hours 59 minutes from January 8 1994 till March 22 1995.