Found a new "live" Solar system
Astrologers NASA using the Kepler space telescope has found a new Solar system, trapped in 150 light years from Earth. 3 it exoplanets slightly exceed the size of our planet and can be suitable for living.
Researchers found that approximately one million years, the Sun will begin to warm up and increase in volume, in consequence of these processes, the temperature on Earth will rise so that all the water evaporates, and the solar wind "will blow off" the magnetic field of our planet, then the Earth will be similar to today's lifeless Venus. Search the latest planet suitable for living, are already in the moment and seem to have signs of a breakthrough.
Using the Kepler space telescope NASA experts find the system that matches the Sun. Find registered as EPIC 201367065 and is 150 light years from Earth is approximately 1.4 million billion kilometers As recognized scientists in the found system includes 3 exoplanets, the size of which is slightly larger than Earth.
They are orbiting one of the stars of the constellation Leo.
The most promising exoplanet very remote from our own star, which has a radius of one and a half times greater than the earth, and is located near the "habitable zone", where the possible presence of water in liquid form due to the resulting thermal energy of the star. In the foreseeable future American scientists plan to establish the possible presence of the atmosphere.
Recall that in the recent past, a group of Spanish and English research workers announced a sensational discovery in the field of astronomy. At least 2 new unknown planet can stay in the far corners of the Solar system. Taking into account the opinion of the astrologers, Pluto can be 2 planets of the Solar system, the size of which is comparable to the size of Earth.
It turns out the line of motion of asteroids beyond Neptune and Pluto are regularly rejected by the gravitational field of some large objects that are not visible to our planet. Usually the path of such cosmic bodies around the Sun have certain constant characteristics.