Sevenman: the West made a stupid mistake, luring Kiev on their side
The European Union was not obliged to provoke Pro-European sentiments in Ukraine, said a French politician, representative of the French government on the development of relations with Russia Senator Jean-Pierre Sevenman, words which transmits the French news magazine.
"It was a big mistake to give Ukraine the choice to be Pro-Russian or Pro-European country. This dementia! Ukraine is located between Russia and Central Europe, there she is, where she is, she at the same time close to both Russia and Europe. Should just ask Ukraine to be Pro-Ukrainian the country, " said Jean-Pierre Sevenman.
feedback policy, the biggest mistake was made by the European Union, when he tried in the framework of the Eastern partnership to conclude an agreement on unification with Ukraine, which did not take into account the wishes of Russia, the interweaving of the Russian and Ukrainian economies."
However, as explained, Sevenman, Europe is not the owner of their decisions." Decisions are taken by another power, " drew the attention of the French politician.