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photo NAVKA Tatiana

NAVKA Tatiana

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 NAVKA Tatiana

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  • Nina for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Tanya, . you are very beautiful and mila.Mne really like your dancing couple with Kostomarov Roman Sergeyevich, . you are perfectly gormoniruete each drugom.Esche htelos to congratulate you with New Year and Merry Christmas to wish you happiness in family life and a large zdorovya.Vashey daughter would also like to convey my congratulations, . her wonderful mom and dad!,
  • albert for NAVKA Tatiana
  • dear Tatiana! I'd like to offer you a professional approach to your smile, believe me! you its so lacking!
  • Catena for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Tanya, you just class! That you gave me faith in what can doitsya in the life of what you want, as you have done in my life. Has Aleksandrav Zhulin, gave birth to a daughter Sashenka and again got a couple of Roman Kostomarov. I think in my life tyf still a lot of things will achieve! More recently, ie. 21.02.08 Yesterday was your ice show. I have so many impressions. Especially on when you drove up to me and I gave you flowers, I still can not believe it. What she Tatiana Navka priobnyala me and kissed me on the cheek. aaaaaa. Well, in general, everything all you good!
  • Catena for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Tanya, you just class! That you gave me faith in what can doitsya in the life of what you want, as you have done in my life. Has Aleksandrav Zhulin, gave birth to a daughter Sashenka and again got a couple of Roman Kostomarov. I think in my life tyf still a lot of things will achieve! More recently, ie. 21.02.08 Yesterday was your ice show. I have so many impressions. Especially on when you drove up to me and I gave you flowers, I still can not believe it. What she Tatiana Navka priobnyala me and kissed me on the cheek. aaaaaa. Well, in general, everything all you good!
  • Julia for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Tanya, hello! I am the most loyal fan of yours! I love you! We have a lot in common with you! you're super! By the way I пЄпҐя?я?п° May 13!
  • UA for NAVKA Tatiana
  • as there has divorced Licking
  • Natalia for NAVKA Tatiana
  • great pleasure to watch Ice Age. conquered all the top dance on skates and on the dance floor you Tatiana is one more - you need to prepare with Alexander and win Olympic Gold in Vancouver 2010. Oh if you have a week are things going on! You just have to win another Olympic gold medal as a coach, maybe even more Kostomarov repeat themselves with golden double? waiting for you to Canada in 2010!
  • R for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Ayana for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Dear Tania Navka! I love you very much! In "Ice Age" sick just for you and Vadim Kolganova, I hope you win! Best regards! Ayana
  • Olga for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Well fool are you, . Navka, . Alexander traded on Basharova ... a real man to sugary dude ... he is and the role played by some seksualnoozabochennyh ... ... I think you're smarter and very well treat you, . and now ... somehow gadkovato at heart ... It feels, . you obgadili our favorite "Ice Age" ... I think you're nice koketleva, . you just what a fool ...,
  • Vyacheslav for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Oksana for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Tanya we love you!
  • Katya wrote to Tatiana Navka for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Good for you.
  • Nina K. for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Tanechka.Vy dear fellow! I smotrla Olympics and show the very nachala.Boleyu for you, and vote every Saturday all gody.Zhelayu you win! You the best! And deserves the highest level, I wholeheartedly wish to congratulate the Day Birthday! Health. Schastya.uspehov family and good luck! I schatliva.chto our country are such athletes! My d,
    . p. next Vashim.A tabloids read protivno.gadko at heart.
  • Anonymous for NAVKA Tatiana
  • kristik for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Dear Tanya! With all my heart I hasten to congratulate you, Happy Birthday! I wish you health. schastya.blagopoluchiya and udachi.Nina K. Fryazino.
  • Alexander for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Tanya you are very sexy, you have super-parrot
  • Anonymous for NAVKA Tatiana
  • tatjana tu grazi
  • Tamara for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Шлюхааааа. Все на тебя уже положили.... Все поняли что оно такое....prostitute..
  • Alexandr for NAVKA Tatiana
  • ..эта тёточка на публику работает. пахнет грязным негром и грязной зеленью
  • Olivia for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Selffish, wants everything to herself. being in sex relationship with strange husbands ..indeed she has broken many families. People around hate her.
  • Felichitt for NAVKA Tatiana
  • Ненавижу гулящих женщин, вносящих раздоры в чужие семьи и рожающих только ради того, чтобы залесть в карман мужчины. Ребенок сам по себе, а шавка все потрохами вытрясывает .. Как бы весажисты первого канала ни старались, длинный нос не замаскируешь :состарилась, а все выкладывает 10 летней давности свои эротические фото Навке разве только звезду по проституции.
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