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Yevgeny Yevtushenko

( Poet)

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Biography Yevgeny Yevtushenko
(p. 1932)
Born on July 18 at the station Winter Krasnoyarsk region. His father was a geologist, but his life he wrote poetry and taught his son to love poetry. When the family moved to Moscow, the future poet while in school, engaged in a poetic studio Palace of Pioneers Dzerzhinsky district. Later attended litkonsultatsii publishing "Young Guard", where more than three years of the poet A. Dostal worked with the young poet, who wrote a lot, differing fantastic capacity for work. Regularly began to be published in sixteen years, but the beginning of serious work Yevtushenko poem says "Wagon" and "Before the meeting," written in 1952.

In 1951 joined the Literary Institute. Gorky gathered within its walls a whole galaxy of future poets and prose writers (Sokolov. B. Akhmadulina, R. Christmas, Y. Kazakov, and others). Later, the poet writes about them in his memoirs.

In 1950 published a series of poetry: "The Third Snow (1955)," The highway of Enthusiasts "(1956)," Promise "1957) and others. The poem "If they want to whether the Russian war, set to music, became a mass song.

Following the publication of the French weekly "Express" his "Autobiography" (1963) was strongly criticized. Together with Yu Kazakov goes to Pechora, lives in the North, met with the difficulty of fishermen and hunters. This trip can be traced in his works, has generated a great cycle of poems, published later in the "New World" and "Youth" ( "The Ballad of poaching," "The Ballad of mirages," "Pitching", etc.).

Yevtushenko was not only on all continents, but also wrote poetry and poems about each country, visited. His name is known throughout the world. Popular poet and contributed to his way of reading poetry from the stage.

Georgian issue has a special place in the work of Yevtushenko. He has translated from the Georgian, wrote about Georgia. In 1979 the publishing house "Merani" has produced a large volume of his poems about Georgia and the Georgian translations of poetry - "the hardest earth".

Since the mid 1960's, when it was written "Bratsk hydroelectric plant," Yevtushenko constantly drawn to the great poetic form. He has published 14 poems (Kazan University, 1970; "Ivanovskie chintz," 1976; "Nepryadva, 1980;" Under the skin of the statue of Liberty, "1968;" Snow in Tokyo, "1974;" Dove in Santiago ", 1978; Mom and the neutron bomb ", 1982, etc.). Yevtushenko began writing fiction in his youth, a student. The first story - "The Fourth Meschanskaya" was published in the journal "Youth" in 1959. Four years later came the second - "Chicken God". As a result of several trips to Cuba was born in the prose poem - "I - Cuba", which became the basis for writing the script of the film, delivered in 1964. Activities in the field of cinema, too, was successful - the film "Rise" (1979), where he played a major role (Tsiolkovsky), entirely the author's later film "Kindergarten" (1984).

In 1967 the story was written by "Pearl Harbor" and after a long break, in early 1980 - the novel "Ardabiola" and the novel "Berry places, positively valued Rasputin.

Evtushenko owns the book "Talent is the miracle of non-random" (1980), which collected the best critical work of the poet. In 1996, the book-album "Give God ...", which includes the last verse.

Lives and works in Moscow. He teaches at American universities Russian poetry of their own textbook ( "Anthology of Russian Poetry").


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  • Polina Nikitina for Yevgeny Yevtushenko
  • Hello, . Dear Evgeny, Thank you very much for your creativity! They live, . true and real. Excuse, . godly, . for my lack of tact, . but: Could you help me get in touch with your former spouse Gian? The fact, . that we were familiar with it many years ago, . but lost contact,
    . I owe Gian fact that she gave me a unique set of exercises, which put me on my feet (I have cerebral palsy). I was only 4 years. I remember your son Anton, and a good woman for Zina: Eugene A., I and my parents were to ask you, give my coordinates Gian. If possible, . Tell her, . that is the kind of blond girl Paulina, . which was crawling on her knees at your apartment in Moscow and in four years read the words written on the photos for Anton: My father's name Vladislav, . mother - Valentina Nesterovna,
    . Our name Nikitini. We are from Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Of course, it was more than twenty years ago, but still: I have a site / www.artist-polina.narod.ru/ there exhibited my work (I paint).. You can also visit. My email address nikitina_polina@mail.ru My blog / blogs.mail.ru / mail / nikitina_polina / Please, . pass this Djan. Do not think, . I have no selfish ends, . just want to talk again with such a remarkable man, . as Zhang. bye. Yours, . Polina Nikitina.,
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