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Teresa's mother

( Albanian nun, Nobel Peace Prize, 1979)

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Biography Teresa's mother
genus. August 26, 1910
The Albanian nun Mother Teresa (Agnes Gondzha Boyadjiev) was born in g. Skopje (the former Ottoman Empire, now in Yugoslavia). She was the youngest of three children, Nicola Boyadjiev, a wealthy building contractor and trader, who was connected with the Albanian nationalist movement and died under mysterious circumstances in the year of birth, Agnes. Her mother, nee Dranafile Bernal, a fervent Catholic, she often took with him the youngest daughter during a visit to the sick and needy.
Agnes attended a public school, sang in the church choir. In the choice of profession was influenced by contacts with the Brotherhood of Blessed Virgin Mary - an organization that helps the poor in different countries. Once he heard the priest had read her letters from missionaries from India, Agnes became interested in the activities of Benguela mission. In an interview with the British author Malcolm Maggeridzhu T. recalled that after the pious thoughts and prayers, she decided to 'go and tell people about the life of Christ'. After graduating from high school in Skopje, Agnes joined the Irish Order of the Sisters of Loreto, who had a mission in India. Year she spent in Loreto Abbey, Dublin, studying English, and on 6 January 1929. sailed to Calcutta.
At the end of probation Agnes was to teach history and geography in the school of St.. Mary, during which time she had to learn Hindi and Bengali language. Agnes chose a monastic name Teresa in honor of the French nuns in the XIX. Therese de Lisieux, which sought to do good, be happy doing the most unpleasant work. Six years later, she took monastic vows under the name of Mother Teresa.
Loreto Convent allowed to live in isolation, but he was near Calcutta slums. During a visit to the shelter of Darjeeling in 1946. T. felt the 'call', meaning that it was clear as she recalled later: 'I had to leave the convent and live among the poor, helping them'. Two years later, T. received from the Archbishop of Calcutta permission to work outside the monastery. She was wearing a white sari with blue border and crucifix pinned on the shoulder. At the same T. received Indian citizenship.
After an intensive three-month training course of American nurses in Patna T. opened a school in the slums Motti Gil. In 1950, Mr.. She was allowed the Vatican to create a new congregation - the Order of Mercy. First initiation were former pupils of the school Loreto. The three usual monastic vows T. added a fourth - 'all the forces to serve the poor'.
Alarmed by the terrible living conditions in slums, T. began to help the elderly, the sick and orphans. For abandoned on the streets of its old in 1954. The house was founded by the dying. By this time the number of volunteers came to 26. Only the most dedicated can endure the strict regime of the congregation: the compulsory daily prayers at four o'clock in the morning, lack of property, except for one change of clothing, diet of the poorest and the 16-hour work among the poor.
T Fame. gradually grew, and the influx of donations grew, it soon opened a shelter for abandoned children, leprosy, nursing homes and a workshop for the unemployed. Medical Clinics at railway stations have provided free medical care, provide shelter for women and children. After working 10 years in Calcutta, T. received permission to open the mission in other locations. Centers were opened in Venezuela (1965), Ceylon (1967), in Rome and Tanzania (1968), Cuba (1986) and in other places.
While the T. considered his work as "a drop in the sea ', she nevertheless won international recognition. In 1964, Mr.. T. received an award named after Jawaharlal Nehru, and two years later the Vatican Peace Prize behalf of Pope John XXIII. In 1979. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This decision provoked criticism from those who believed that helping the needy, T. done nothing for the cause of peace, which aims to promote the Nobel Prize. In his speech, the representative of the Norwegian Nobel Committee Sanness, however, said: 'Mother Teresa in many ways has helped build a bridge from rich countries to poor ... In every man it is able to sow the seeds of goodness ... If it were not so, society would be deprived of hope, and peace efforts lost their value '. In conclusion, Sanness recalled the words of Robert McNamara, President of the World Bank: 'Mother Teresa deserves the Nobel Prize, because it claims the world in the most important area, protecting the inviolability of human dignity'.
T. took the award 'in the name of the hungry, the naked, the homeless ... all those who do not see any help, no worries'. In his Nobel lecture, she talked about Christian love - the driving force of its work and stressed that the love and respect for every human life is a condition of universal peace. The money she spent on the construction of shelters for the poor, particularly for those suffering from leprosy.
As Nobel laureate T. undertook a number of international assignments. In 1982, Mr.. visited Lebanon at the request of Pope John Paul II as an emissary of peace, but until then avoided political activity. In 1985, Mr.. T. spoke at the UN General Assembly on the occasion of 40 anniversary of the organization. On the eve of Christmas 1985. it together with the Archbishop of New York opened in New York, the first church shelter for AIDS patients. At the request of T. three of them dying of AIDS had been released from prison and placed in a new shelter. In 1988 ... 1989. Order of Charity established its offices in Moscow, Yerevan, Spitak.
Many have criticized the position of T. on abortion and other methods of birth control. Point of view on the matter was outlined in her Nobel lecture: "I see the greatest threat to peace in abortion, because they represent a real war, murder, carried out by his mother '. T. condemns feminism, especially in India, encouraging women to build strong families, providing 'men to do something that they are better suited'.
. Those who met with TV, talk about her tranquil spirituality, love, joy and respect for life, which it emits
. 'We do not do anything great, - recorded T. one day - we do little, but with great love '.

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Teresa's mother, photo, biography Teresa's mother  Albanian nun, Nobel Peace Prize, 1979, photo, biography
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