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Filonchikov Alexander

( doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management, a member of the Academy of Sciences of water, the head of research of Kostroms)

Comments for Filonchikov Alexander
Biography Filonchikov Alexander
Born December 5, 1947 in the capital of the Kirgiz SSR g. Frunze (now z. Bishkek). Educated mother - Filonchikovoy Valentina Y. (05.12.1915-14.12.1993 gg.). Wife - Kolegaeva Tatiana (genus. 30.05.1948 g.). Children: Kolegaeva Olga (genus. 21/07/1974), the Ilya Kolegayev Alexandrovich (born. 12/03/1978), the Kolegayev Vasili Alexandrovich (born. 15.07.1988 g.).

After high school he graduated from the Frunze Polytechnic College (1963-1967 gg.). In 1969 he took a job as a technician in the Kyrgyz State Institute for Water Resources Design Objects "Kirgizgiprovodohoz". In the same year entered the Kirghiz Agricultural Institute. KI Skryabin, where he received an engineer-gidromelioratora. In "Kirgizgiprovodohoze" worked until 1994, having risen from the vehicle to the chief engineer of the project. During this period, issued on 23 printed works, 6 introduced their own inventions, developed 27 projects constructed reclamation facilities and 6 model projects. For great merits in the development of irrigation by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev (NPU-347 of 19.11.1992) A. V. Filonchikov was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. In 1994 he moved to Kostroma. Until 1997 he was Professor of Physics, Head of the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. In 1997 he became head of research of. During work at the academy so far has published 6 scientific-methodical works, the book entitled "Design of automated water intake sites on the mountain rivers (r. Frunze, 1990. - 376 pp.) And the textbook "Theory of physical modeling technology, and experimental studies (r. Kostroma, ed. KGSHA, 1997, 105 pp.). Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, member of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Management (since 1995), corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of water (since 1994). The most significant artistic achievements of Professor AV Filonikova to date are the development of technological approaches to land reclamation processes (1995), . processes of intake (1990), . project case (1988), . water accounting and Research (1996),
. They have designed a new, . improved intakes, . facilities for water purification from sediment, . Closure automata, . conducted their research on hydraulic and channel models, . developed and tested methods of their design (1980-1993 gg.),
. In 1996, he developed the concept of sectoral programs for automation of irrigation systems. In the sphere of scientific and practical interests of Professor AV Filonchikova include: water intake sites, . dam, . water treatment, . rybozaschita, . problem Hydro, . Automation of technological processes in Hydromelioration, . methods and techniques of physical modeling, . Bariere цўmpotriva facilities, . regulation of river channels, . stabilization of fluvial processes, . water metering for reclamation systems, . technology design and project work, . physics instruments and devices,
. Speaks German. He likes modern and classical literature and fiction. Music: classic 16-18 centuries., Jazz 50-60 years., 60-80 years of rock. Keen game sports (football, hockey, basketball).

Lives and works in g. Kostroma.

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Filonchikov Alexander, photo, biography
Filonchikov Alexander, photo, biography Filonchikov Alexander  doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management, a member of the Academy of Sciences of water, the head of research of Kostroms, photo, biography
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