Matvey Andreyev( splitting missionary, a priest's son)
Comments for Matvey Andreyev
Biography Matvey Andreyev
In 1706, jealous of piety and faith of the true and holy Church "has left the world and went into the desert monasteries on Kerzhenets. Schemamonk Onufry and other fathers have a. second rank, r. e. through anointing. In 1715, these elders sent a. to preach against fedoseevtsev. He sent questions about the faith Ignatius Trofimov, and then other issues abroad, expecting, perhaps, upon receipt of statement of faith fedoseevtsev, to take his denial. But fedoseevtsy refrained from answering. In 1722 A. had two conversations with them, in 1736 - third. All three interviews recorded by a. And Talks. used to Irgiz, they were a book, which has links to the debate on the question of priests from the Nikonians second grade and the history of flight of the priesthood. To us, it came not in full. Conversations A. and the message Kerzhensky "fathers" throw light on the original story Fedoseevskaya consent. A. extensively used the writings of the first schism - Avvakum and deacon Theodore, that subsequent writers is rare. - Wed. V. Druzhinin, "Svyaschennoierey Matthew A., his conversation with bespopovtsami and messages to him" ( "Christian Reading, 1908; here printed interviews A. and 2 of his message).