Arnold Theodore Karlovic( outstanding forester)
Comments for Arnold Theodore Karlovic
Biography Arnold Theodore Karlovic
(1819 - 1902). Educated at Forest Institute and abroad. Until 1858 he served on the Forest Department, then was a professor in the department of forestry and forest inventory in the forestry and agricultural institute, from 1876 to 1883 was director of Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Agriculture and Forestry Academy. Major works of A.: "A Guide to Forestry (St. Petersburg, 1854, 2 ed. 1856), "Forest Inventory" (St. Petersburg, 1858, 2 ed. 1868), "Forestry" (St. Petersburg, . 1860); "Supplemental book for the landowner and the forester" (St. Petersburg, . 1862), "Facilities in the Russian forests" (1880), "Assessment of existing in the forests of capital" (1884), "The course of forestry for the elementary schools" (1889), "The course of forestry for the Forest schools, . owners and managers of estates "(1892)," Auxiliary book for foresters and forest owners' (2 nd ed, . 1893), "Russian Forest" (St. Petersburg, 1890 - 99), extensive work, containing a detailed description of forestry in Russia. It is known for its "Instructions for taxational work in the forest cottages, elected to the correct device" (1845), in which until 1860 were organized state forests. All beginnings of forest administration took place (in 1844 - 58 years) through his hands, and he rightly called "the father of Russian forestry.