Belyaev Dmitri( philologist)
Comments for Belyaev Dmitri
Biography Belyaev Dmitri
(1846 - 1901). At the end of the St. Petersburg University, was a professor at Kazan University in the department of Greek literature. Help of an erudite literary career began with his Homer (Master's thesis: "Omirovskie questions", . Petersburg., . 1875), . continued by Euripides (doctoral thesis: "On the outlook of Euripides', . Kazan, . 1878) and ended with the study of the statute of the court of Constantine Porphyrogenitus ( "Byzantina", . 3 vols, . SPb., 1891 - 93, 1906 - posthumous ed.) - The most important work of Belyaev. In addition, Belyaev wrote several short articles, mainly on the methods of teaching the ancient languages and in defense of the classical school. Obituary and a complete list of works Belyaeva cm. in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education, 1901, Prince. 7 (Article S.P. Shestakova).