Bogorodickij Vasily( philologist)
Comments for Bogorodickij Vasily
Biography Bogorodickij Vasily
Born in 1857, graduated from the course of the historical-philological faculty of Kazan University. In 1884, defended his master's thesis "The vowels without accents in an all-Russian language" (Kazan), was promoted to associate. In 1888. doctorate Course of Russian grammar "(Part I, Warsaw, 1887, Part II," Russian Journal of Philology, 1892). Contains a professor of comparative linguistics at the Kazan University. In the master's thesis Bogorodickij first detailing the features of modern CENTRAL vocalism. The thesis of the Virgin of the phonetics of the Russian language also represents a valuable acquisition for science. Clarification of mental processes of language devoted to the work of the Mother of God: "On the morphological removals" and "Study on the psychology of speech" ( "Russian Journal of Philology, t. VI and VIII, 1881 and 1882). Bogorodickij started yet "course comparative grammar of Indo-European languages" ( "Scientific Notes of Kazan University, from 1890). Wed. Vengerov, "Dictionary", t. IV (Article. Professor. SK. Bulich). In "Essays in linguistics and Russian language" (3rd ed., 1910) connected to most of the individual articles of the author, appeared before 1901, and some of the later. Other works of the Mother of God: "From the readings on comparative grammar ario-European languages", No.. I - IV (1895 - 1908), "Comparative and grammatical commentary on the texts ario-European languages. Volume I: Sanskrit "(Kazan, . 1909), "General Course of Russian grammar" - from the university readings (3rd ed., . 1911), "The experience of the physiology of the common Russian pronunciation in connection with the experimental phonetic data" (Kazan, . 1909), "Notes on experimental phonetics", . No., . I - V (1896 - 1907), "Investigation of the dialect of the village of White, Kazan province", No.. I, (Kazan, 1900); "Dialectological notes, No.. I - IX (1899 - 1912), "Lectures on general linguistics" (in Studies of the Kazan University, 1911 - 1912). Pedagogical articles, from the theory of literature and criticism: "On the study of artistic and literary works"; "Psychology of poetic creativity", "Analysis of artistic and literary works": I. Polecat and Kalinych, II. Ermolai and Miller's, "Foundations of Arithmetic accounts" (Kazan, 1908) - Head of the authors of the course "inductive" philosophy.