Barlaam Lyaschevsky( scholar monk)
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Biography Barlaam Lyaschevsky
(d. 1774). He received education at the Kiev Academy, where he taught Jewish and Greek. Synod instructed him, along with the priest Gedeon Slominskaja to review all the amendments of the Slavic Bible, made up to that time. Barlaam almost one again to compare the entire Old Testament with the Greek text, in this revised form the Bible was printed in 1751, Mr.. and then several times a perepechatyvaema. This edition of the Bible Barlaam was a preface, containing the history and detailed statement of all the amendments in the Slavonic Bible. Later he was rector of the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy and a member firm of the Holy Synod. For his students Barlaam was in Latin, Greek grammar, which is the first time was published in Breslau in 1746, Mr.. To her, he submitted a scholarly preface about the benefits of the Greek language. In 1788, Mr.. Grammar Barlaam was translated into Russian and published in St. Petersburg. His "The award acts in the future life" was published in the Chronicle of Russian literature Tikhonravova; "words" - "Proceedings of the Kiev Theological Academy" (1866, N 12).