George Konstantin( therapist)
Comments for George Konstantin
Biography George Konstantin
(b. 1867). He graduated from the course of military-medical academy. Contains a professor of hospital therapy clinic in Kharkov University. Chief among his works: "On the morphology of the blood in leukemia" ( "Hospital Newspaper Botkin and" St. Petersb. medic. Wochenschrift ", . 1895), "On the action of thyroid drugs on the animal organism" (Thesis, . St.Petersburg, . 1896), "The importance of pre-extirpation of the spleen of animals infected with certain pathogens (" Hospital Newspaper Botkin, . 1896); "Du mecanisme de k'ommunite vis-a-vis du bacille pyocyanique" ( "Annales de l'Inst, . Pasteur ", 1899);" Experimentelle Untersuchung uber die Wirkung des Extractum Filicis maris aeth. auf das Blut "(" Ziegler's Beitrage ", . Volume XXIV); "on the appearance of specific immunizator in the blood during typhoid fever" ( "Hospital Newspaper Botkin, . 1902), "Concerning the epidemic of trichinosis in Kharkov in November 1907" ( "Russian Doctor", . 1908), "Observations on the action arsatsetina in reverse fever" (Kharkov Medical Journal ", . 1903); "Feniltsinhoninovaya acid in gout" ( "Russian Doctor", . 1911), "On branched arterial angioma of the brain" (Kharkov Medical Journal ", . 1911).,