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Ermolova Maria

( Famous Russian Artist)

Comments for Ermolova Maria
Biography Ermolova Maria
Born in Moscow on July 3, 1853, in the family, several generations who served in the theater, her father was a prompter of the Moscow Maly Theater. Ermolova childhood spent in poverty, in a gloomy atmosphere. In 1862, Mr.. enrolled in drama school in the ballet department, but soon it awakened a strong attraction to drama, and she was with her girlfriends to play scenes from contemporary dramas. These fun "Masha", as they called her friend, distracted from the tedium of the ballet, were apparently quite serious. Very Ermolova then said: "Despite everything, I have always lived in the unshakeable belief that I will be the first actress ... That confidence has never left me ". However, the actor Samarin, after a few lessons, sent her back to the ballet, saying that her real work - to dance "the water" and not to be an actress, she was awkward manners and a rough voice. 16 years Ermolova chance came on the stage of the Maly Theater, in Emilia Galotti, replacing the suddenly ailing GN. Fedotov. After the first words uttered Yermolova heard applause in the theater: all struck by its powerful, almost masculine voice, "coming from his chest and placed himself at the heart". "I am someone pushed back ... and I was on the scene - said about his debut Ermolov. - I felt as if I failed in some hole ... I was in an insane fear. Before my eyes instead of the auditorium - huge black spot, and on it some two fire ... I do not know how the first words said ... There was a loud applause. It struck me and scared. I did not understand what was going on (on debut Yermolova cm. "Russian Chronicles" in 1870,? 6, and the Moscow News in 1870,? 26). Despite the success, she was given a responsible role. She played several years of negligible role, while hard work and indomitable perseverance not won a position. When she in 1896. celebrated its 25-year anniversary, it was considered to have one of the first artists not only in Russia but also in Europe. Ermolova long has the title of Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters, and continues to play in Moscow with the same force with which she performed for the first time in 1870. It is especially strong-tragic actress; feelings of sadness and grief, inspired, perhaps, her bleak childhood, it is striking. The chief characteristic of her talent - the heroism. Powerful voice, strong facial expressions, the nobility built it into the best performers in such roles as, for example, Joan of Arc in "Maid of Orleans" (1884). In each she created the type, it highlights the positive aspects of nature; negative types in her performance went softened and sharp. For example, it Messalina is not horror, and compassion ( "Aria and Messalina" Villebrandta). Some fans Yermolova see in this type of idealization conscious idea of the beautiful actress of service. Ermolova is completely finished and the actress in the purely typical roles. When needed, she can forget yourself and send someone else's character and to live someone else's life with complete honesty, even in small things. In her youth she was accused of some awkward manners, and general neglect of scenic plasticity. Currently playing it and in this respect made great perfection. She knows life and people and an enormous talent has never ceased to work and think. Ermolova play by Lope de Vega, Racine, Shakespeare, Schiller, Hugo, Pisemsky, Ostrovsky (Negin in the "talents and admirers"), just over two hundred roles. Of her latest role in the play are given Beata Zuderman "Yes zdavstvuet life, Fru Alving in" Ghost "Ibsen, Sappho in the play A. Dode. By the new northern, so-called "psychological" drama Ermolova is negative, the task of considering it a distortion of the theater. NI. Ermolov Storozhenko said of this: "Ermolova - a passionate love for freedom and an equally passionate hatred of tyranny" ( "Sheep Source" Lope de Vega). - See. Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters, 1895 - 1896 gg., H. Efros "Ermolov (over 25 years of her artistic activities)," Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters in 1901 - 02 years., P. 23. Ark. Press.

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Ermolova Maria, photo, biography Ermolova Maria  Famous Russian Artist, photo, biography
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