Lebedeva Ekaterina( Writer)
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Biography Lebedeva Ekaterina
Born in 1861,. She graduated from teacher training courses in St. Petersburg. Wrote a number of poems and feature articles on the spiritual and moral, and critical themes and a number of articles for popular consumption in the "Good Word". Separately issued its "Alex Stepanovich Khomjakov (St. Petersburg, 1897)," St.. Basil the Great "(ib., . 1902), "Law and the unity of the moral life" (ib., . 1909), . "Collected Poems" (ib., . 1904), . "Childhood and Youth of the Blessed Virgin" (ib., . 1905), "The persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire before Constantine the Great" (ib., . 3rd ed., . 1906), . "Sv, . Constantinople, Grand Duchess Olga "(ib., 1910) and others