Likhachev Ivan( Admiral)
Comments for Likhachev Ivan
Biography Likhachev Ivan
(1826 - 1907), was educated in the Marine Corps, in 1854, Mr.. served in Sevastopol flag officer in the Kornilov and his successor Stanyukovich. In 1858, Mr.. Likhachev, appointed aide to Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich, took an active part in developing all started with it changes on marine department. In 1860, Mr.. Likhachev was responsible for the formation of a separate squadron in the Far East. Likhachev has successfully completed the challenge and together with the Anglo-French naval forces moved to Beijing, the Chinese were defeated, and with them a favorable contract for Russia Beijing. Draft Likhachev acquisition Tsushima Islands have not been achieved due to the passivity of our diplomacy. In 1864 - 1866 years Likhachev commanded the first time equipped with armored squadron in the Baltic Sea. In 1867, Mr.. Likhachev was appointed naval agent in France and England, where he remained until 1883. Likhachev published a number of valuable works in the Collection of the Sea "and" Russian Shipping ". In the article "Service of the General Staff of the Navy" (1888) and the pamphlet "The Case of the death of the battleship Gangut" (1897) Likhachev with great knowledge of the facts and thoroughness points out weaknesses in the organization of our naval affairs, and with remarkable foresight, predicting dangerous consequences of the ruling in the maritime office routine and backwardness, . led to disaster 1904 - 1905 period.,