Vladimir Lukin Ignatievich( Playwright)
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Biography Vladimir Lukin Ignatievich
(1737 - 94). He served in the military service, was secretary at cabinet minister Elagin. He was the first in Russian literature, protested against the conventions of classicism and extreme imitation. His views he expounded in the preface to his plays. He considered it necessary in the Russian plays and plays, converted to the Russian customs, avoid what is absolutely not typical of those mores. Lukin sought to simplicity of language and a negative attitude toward comedy Sumarokova than courted the reputation of famous Russian writers, detractors. Understanding the "autonomy", which Lukin demanded from the Russian comedy, it was purely external. It boils down to eliminate household characteristics that are alien to Russian customs, names like the Orontes, which were run at the beginning of the XIX century, even in some plays Griboedova. The only "stand alone" piece Lukin: "Mot love fixed" (1765), . written in response to the desire of the Empress Catherine to see the comedy "expressly Russia", . is a relatively unsuccessful imitation of the French play, . completely devoid of true identity, . His other play-alteration "to the Russian customs" of the French comedy. One of the best - "Schepetilnik" (remake of the French). "Schepetilnik" (bijontier) sells trinkets at the masquerade. This allows the author to the spectator a number of individuals - Vzdorolyubova, Obiralova, Legkomyslova - is a copy of the French originals, only the poet Samokhvalova is a very distant reflection of personality Sumarokova. Lukin curious attempts to force peasants to speak the national language. Success of the play Lukin did not and called the attacks on the part of journals. It is said that during the presentation of one of his plays some evil prankster handed out to all present old newspapers, saying that they are much more interesting to play. Lukin warmly welcomed the appearance in 1765. "popular theater", recognizing its educational role. Together with Yelagin Lukin translated novel "The Adventure of the Marquis G., or Life noble man, who left the world". His plays were published in 1868. Ephraim ( "Works and transfers VI. Lukin and B.E. Elchaninova "article AN. Pypin). - See. V. B. "I.V. Lukin "(" Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters, 1893 - 1894); Tikhonravov "Works" (Vol. III, Part 2); Warneke "History of the Russian theater."