Wei, Bojan( Taoist philosopher and theorist of numerology, astrology and alchemy)
Comments for Wei, Bojan
Biography Wei, Bojan
Ao Wei, Yun Yatszy, Taisho chzhenzhen (ca. 100 - 170) -- It is a native of the genus Gaomen, who lived in Southern China. Clerk, 150 g. became Taoist hermit. The main essay V.B. - "[Zhou and] tsang tong qi" ( "Unity of the triad under the" Chou and ""), which outlines the principles of Taoist alchemy, described by the trigrams and hexagrams (gua) "Book of Changes". Using the symbols "and Zhou, V.B. describes how to create an elixir of immortality, and in the text of the proposed methodology applies to the laboratory, "external", and psycho-physiological, "internal" alchemy. Treatise has had a significant impact on the development of Taoism in the Middle Ages and the methodology of a number of traditional forms of Chinese science.