Joan Quigley( The modern astrologer USA.)
Comments for Joan Quigley
Biography Joan Quigley
(Quigley; Quigley) (p. 10/04/1927, 16:17, (by others. data 1929), Kansas City, pcs. Astrology deals with the 1953. In the 1960 - 70-ies. pseudonymous Angel Star (Angel Star) K. has written several books on astrology, which became very popular in the U.S. and the UK ( "Astrology for teenagers," "Astrology for parents and others), she also appeared regularly on television. Since 1981, Mr.. - Astrologer, Nancy Reagan and the Reagan family as a whole. Influence the policy of the Reagan. In particular, she argues, K., precisely because she made the first steps to try to destroy the image of the USSR as "evil empire". Actively using the methods elective astrology, K. was a daily and sometimes hourly schedule of the President of the U.S.. Since 1988. K. along with sister company manages astrological. In December 1988. President Bush predicted the troubles in the Middle East in the next 2-3 years. In 1990. K. released a memoir about his activities as an astrologer Reagan.
To. - Member of the American Federation of Astrological. Among her hobbies - tennis, bridge, history of art. In 1967. K. visited the Soviet Union, was in Moscow and Leningrad.
Selected works: Astrology for Teens. - New York: Bantam, 1968. Astrology for Adults. - London: Blond, 1970. Astrology for Parents of Children & Teenagers. - Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971. "What Does Joan Say?": My Seven Years as White House Astrologer to Nancy and Ronald Reagan. - New York: Birch Lane Press, 1990. Recommended Reading: Reagan N. My Turn: The Memoirs of Nancy Reagan. - New York: Random House, 1989. Literature: 1. Astrological Dictionary. 2. Lewis JR. The Astrology Encyclopedia. 3. Contemporary Authors.