SWORD Sergei Pavlovich( Geography Methodist, teacher, writer.)
Comments for SWORD Sergei Pavlovich
Biography SWORD Sergei Pavlovich
(25.I.1848, Smolensk - 21.IH.1936, der. Marino Gzhatsk district of Smolensk region). In 1870, Mr.. Graduated from the natural separation of physical and mathematical faculty of Moscow University. Over 30 years teaching in public schools, etc.. Moscow schools. Many traveled to Russia and others. Countries. In 1902, Mr.. left teaching and lived in his estate, being engaged in literary work. Methodical ideas most elaborated in the lecture "Geography as a science and as an academic subject" (1892). His ideas implemented in a number of books and textbooks.
Vol.: Russia. National geography textbook, 1887 (more than 30 publications in 1917), Russia. Geographic book for reading in school and family, 1888 (15 editions to 1923); Geographical studies. Collection of readings on the general location, 1898 (more than 20 editions to 1924); small geography of Russia, 1906, 1916; Central Asia .- M., 1914; Lessons geography of Europe. - M., 1912; Geographical studies. Seven public lectures .- M., 1911; Alps. - M., 1916; Palestine and Arabia .- M., 1915, etc.
Lit.: Russia pedagogical Encyclopedia: In two volumes .- T. 1. - M., 1993