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Menglet George P.

( People's Artist of USSR, State Prize Laureate)

Comments for Menglet George P.
Biography Menglet George P.
Born in 1912 in Voronezh. Father - Menglet Pavel, employee. Mother - Catherine Mikhailovna, housewife. Wife - Nina Arkhipova, People's Artist of Russia, actress Satire. Daughter - Menglet Maya G. (1935. born.), . actress, . starred in such films as "It was in Penkovo" (1957), . "The sailor with the" Comets "(1958), . "Amended to believe" (1959), . "Home" (1960), . "Alenka" (1961), . "Places are quiet here (1967), . "Julia" (1972), . "Great attraction" (1974), . "Chance" (1984), . Women's Day "(1990), . "See you in Tahiti" (1991),
. Grandchildren: Alex and Dmitry.

. Russia's roots family Menglet lead back to the XIX century, when great-grandfather George Menglet, captain of the French army, entered the Russian service, and adopted Orthodoxy.

. Childhood and early youth were held in the Georgia native Voronezh
. He lived a carefree: chasing the football, which was his passion, flaunted in front of girls. Then came a new hobby - books, theater, photography, which became, in his own words, the principal in the process of manifestation and the formation of his as a person.

What is worth living ... The meaning of life ... Ideals ... What is people? This is argued in literature lessons, which led passionately in love with their subject teacher, Alexandra Ivanovna Lepin, tortured by the Nazis during the occupation, has also left the cherished memory in the hearts of his students. Under her guidance, the students began to read in the faces "Woe from Wit". George went to the main character - Chatsky. Apparently, it came out quite well, and Alexandra Ivanovna suggested a performance. So in Voronezh school? 11 there own drama theater named A.S. Griboyedov. It became the first theater for Menglet.

In 1929 he made his debut in the role of Chatsky in the play "Woe from Wit", and later played in other productions: "Fruits of Enlightenment," "William Tell", "Death of Hope". Performances have had great success. Students were in the Club, Karl Marx theater in the Palace, in the People's House. Watch them come even artists from Voronezh Drama Theater. One day a famous actor walked Menglet Shibuya, called him aside and said: "I saw you on stage, you have to go to Moscow - to learn". George was in seventh heaven ...

In class with Menglet studied Galya Ivanova. Her mother, ms. Ivanov, was the niece KS. Stanislavsky. Before leaving for Moscow, she gave George a letter with the recommendation and to help youth. But the letter had remained in his pocket: to enter the theater, he decided to himself, without anybody's help.

. In TSETETIS (Central Drama Institute, and later - GITIS now - RATI) George Menglet entered the first time and got into the class of Andrei Pavlovich Petrovsky
. In 1932, in parallel with studies he began working in the State of historical and revolutionary theater, where for two years has played roles in "Under the decree of his Majesty" L. Moore (role Dobrolubova), "Chernyshevsky and Alexander II" H. Lerner (role Andronadze), as well as the role of Caius in the final play "The Merry Wives of Windsor" The. Shakespeare (1933).

For metropolitan theaters George Menglet first met in 1928 when he was 16-year-old boy, came to Moscow as part of the football team of his native city at the opening of the stadium "Dinamo". Then he visited the Moscow Arts Theater 2-m, where he saw "Flea" by Nikolai Leskov staged aq. Wild. George immediately fell in love with the fantastic, brilliant, stunning Alexei Denisovich Wild. A few years have been formed Theatrical and literary workshops (since 1935 - Studio Theater under the direction of aq. Wild), and, of course, Menglet wanted to get there. He was lucky. June 30, 1934 he was admitted to the theater and in the very first performances was the principal roles - the lover in the play The Jealous Old Man Cervantes and Sergei in Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk "H. Leskov staged aq. Wild. In fact, the Wild became his teacher.

At that time, Moscow was a real theatrical mecca - the abundance of talent, imagination, searching for new forms. 1930 - this is great directors: Stanislavsky Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vakhtangov, Meyerhold, Mardzhanov, Okhlopkov, Wild, and a galaxy of prominent actors: Kachalov, Moskvin, Leonid, Toporkov, Dobronravov, many, many others. George P. was happy that his emergence as an actor occurred at a time.

In early 1936, aq. Wild was appointed artistic director of the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater. Most of the Studio director decided to take with you. They came and Menglet. After his arrest aq. Wild Menglet got the idea to create a new theater - from the Studio-dikovtsev. Theater, in his conception, had secretly become a "theater of the Wild", and publicly - Russian Drama Theater in a distant from Moscow, the republic, where a permanent Russian theater has not yet been. The choice fell on Stalinabad (now - Dushanbe). In 1937 Menglet leaves BDT and a group of like-minded people sent to Tajikistan.

To start from scratch: those who lived in tents (cob wattle and daub), who in the hotel (the only one in town), rehearsing the scene of Red Army House. Despite the inconvenience, domestic work goes well and soon the premiere - the play "Land" H. Virta staged I. Stein, in which GP. Menglet played the "right" Communist Listrata. The performance was a success. The auditorium was filled mostly with military stratum of the Russian population. It was they who were in all subsequent years, the bulk of the public theater.

From the works GP. Menglet in the Russian Drama Theater in Stalinabad should allocate Nesnamof role in "Guilty Without Guilt" AN. Ostrovsky (for this role, George P. was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Tajik SSR), Germont in "Rape of Helen" L. Verneuil, golden eagle in the play AN. Ostrovsky's "Wolves and Sheep", and also the first directorial experience of the actor - the play by play of A. Levin's "The Story of a woman.

GP. Menglet failed to create in Stalinabad "Theater of the Wild". Instead, it turned out theater Menglet ", has all of its inherent character traits: optimism, ability to find good in bad, the funny in a terrible light in the darkness.

In 1943, GP. Menglet becomes artistic director of Theater of the First frontline of the Tajik SSR, which toured the set of front-line roads, run its course in 1944 in Romania. "Bringing soldiers joy, laughter, a charge of vivacity, energy - the task we set ourselves. - Reminisces in his book "The Actor - a person acting" George Menglet. - When we showed her concert performance of "Hello, friends!" (Salom, friends! "), The commander of the Central Front, KK. Rokossovsky, he approved our "peaceful purposes". "Well, that scene did not fire, - said Konstantin Konstantinovich. - We do it better. But such a cheerful, optimistic program ignites the spirit ". This is what we sought. This determines the theme and style of our theater. "

In December 1944, Moscow was declared a review of wartime theaters. The first front Theater Tajik SSR showed a performance of "Salome, friends!" and was given a honorary diploma. This trip has changed the fate of George Menglet. On viewing the present artistic director of Theater after Eug. Vakhtangov Ruben N. Simonov. Performance he liked, especially in the skits Menglet "catch the language", and Simonov, invited him led them to the theater Karandyshev role in "Girl without a Dowry". Menglet not refuse. Rehearsals began. Everything went fine. Suddenly ... A bell rang Boris Mikhailovich Filippov, a longtime friend Georgy appointed director of the Theater of Satire. He suggested that he go to his theater. The offer was tempting, because Menglet still a student, intern at the theater, the head of which was at that time his teacher A.P. Peter. The decision was adopted with lightning speed: even saying goodbye to Simonov (what is a penalty), Menglet wrote a letter of resignation from the theater named after Eug. Vakhtangov.

Satire Theater Menglet gave over 50 years. Despite all the difficulties, the debut of the new place was successful. George Menglet played the role of Dick in the play "Penelope" C. Maugham directed by Emmanuel Krasnyanskaya. One of the oldest theater actors, Vladimir Yakovlevich Henkin, even wrote a poem:

. Let not sound

. Message wildly:

. Emmanuel declining years

. Suddenly, Dick received a gift --

. He struck actor Menglet.

. The troupe took a beginner friendly, although Menglet, as a young man, already had the title of People's Artist of the Tajik SSR, and some of the "old men" were just deserved
. But they were easy to this, with humor. In the theater reigned nice atmosphere, very close Georgy: work, friends, loved the sharp word, laughed at each other, not forgetting, of course, laugh at himself. The theater has always been valued jokes and ability to understand and pick up their.

The director was often funny jokes and Menglet. Several times he played his best friend Oleg Solyusa, and he was very ticklish: "It was our show" Intervention "L. Slavin. Oleg played some of Colonel. In the course of the performance he had approached the soldiers, who in the breast pockets were inserted red bows, and detach them. I advance one of the actors instead of put a red ribbon bow twenty meters in length. And Oleg suited to one, second, third - tearing each bow, finally turn comes to "my" soldier. He starts pulling - pulls, pulls, pulls, finally begins to laugh and almost on all fours, crawls away from the scene ... "

Period of work at the Theater of Satire was the most fruitful in the creative biography of GP. Menglet. It was here that truly revealed his artistic talent. Features his work on the way - is a subtle psychological analysis of the nature of character. No serious strokes, pressure and hyperbole actor-satirist soft, quiet posmeivaniem, graceful strokes caustic-caustic "pen" outlined a "target", so that later, as a sword, pierce the vice - so wrote the critic.

GP. Menglet always sought to gain insight into the inner impulses of the person he embodied, to understand its truth, to see the world through his eyes, to justify each step of the conviction in the rightness of an act. Blade satirist always moved noble hatred of vulgarity and meanness of all kinds and colors, honor and conscience of the citizen, not willing to reconcile with the fact that prevents people from living.

Talent GP. Menglet were subject and realistic images, . and vaudeville-lyric, . light in his casual humor, . and convex-satirical, . fantastic zaostroennye on some specific adverse events or defects, . and tragicomic images, . which is clearly manifested mastery of the actor, . owned the sacraments and the tragic and the comic.,

. Textbook images were created by GP
. Menglet of satire in. Mayakovsky's The Bedbug, "Bath". Several hundred times he played Pobedonosikova ( "Bath") and Bayan ( "The Bug"). For a long stage life image of the bureaucrat Pobedonosikova has undergone significant changes, becoming more quiet, respectable, softer, but in essence has not changed. Herald of philistinism, a preacher, vulgarity, boorishness, "izyachnoy life" hoarding appears and nepmanovsky hanger Bayan.

Unforgettable and other images created by GP. Menglet: brilliant, ruthless, lucky, and empty a deceiver and a careerist George Dyurua ( "Dear Friend" by Guy de Maupassant), a hypocrite in the cassock, his jealous mistress to her own husband, the "moral" Diego's father (Don Giovanni, or the Love of Geometry M. Frisch) sycophant, . minded, . but canny judge Briduazon ( "Crazy Day, . or The Marriage of Figaro "by Beaumarchais), volitional, . active, . spiritual, . prudent owner and attentive to people person, . caring farm chairman Loaf ( "pill under the tongue" A,
. Makayonok) possessed a passion for profit, coldly calculating, Colonel Fredambe ( "Intervention" L. Slavin) is soft, delicate and naive Professor Shcheglov, who managed to give a slap in the face bribe, and realized that in life, neither of which can not be suspended, you can not live only for the sake of science, that man answer for everything ( "slap" C. Mikhalkov), a businessman, a handsome and cynical, renegade Glumov ( "Even a Wise Man Stumbles") ..

. Together with Nina Arkhipova, . Tatiana Peltzer, . Nina Kornienko, Georgi Pavlovich participated in one of the first musical theater satire on the play by Hungarian playwright L. Dyarfasha - "Awake and Sing!" (directed by M. Zakharov and A. Shirvindt), . creating a charming image of cheerful, . child-hearted Pista,

Comedy gift Menglet as rare as tragical. An example of this - the work of the actor in the play "Running" M. Bulgakov. U Korzukhina no happiness - said Menglet. - His only ideal - personal welfare. Pointlessness of existence, lack of spirituality of the gambler, greedy playboy terrible. But still I wanted to KORZUKHIN saw a man let insignificant, but man. I would like to find and reveal his subjective truth, to show that the denial of man from all that is holy - the motherland, love, honor - leads to moral destruction, degradation, destruction of personality. "

Among other works GP. Menglet stand out: "The Comedy of Errors" I. Shakespeare (Antifol Antifol Syracuse and Ephesus), "There were three" In. Weight (Charles Albright), "Georges de Valera" ZH.P. Sartre (George de Valera), "Lying on his long legs" E. De Filippo (Liberia), "House, where broken hearts" B. Shaw (Hector Heshebay and Captain Shotover), 200 thousand for incidental expenses "in. Dykhovichnyi and M. Sloboda (Grisha), Biederman and arsonists "M. Frisch (Gottlieb Biedermann), "Banquet" A. Arkanov and Nat. Gorin (Bryukin), "A Profitable Post" A. N. Ostrovsky (Vyshnevsky), "Inspector General" NV. Gogol (Strawberry), "Her Excellency" C. Aleshin (Carl), "eccentric" H. Hikmet (Recep Bay), "Mad Money" AN. Ostrovsky (Kuchumov), "The Passion of the Black Sea" F. Iskander (First retiree), "Suicide" H. Erdmann (Grand Skubik), "The Cherry Orchard" A.P. Chekhov (Firs), The Miserly Knight A.S. Pushkin (Baron).

Georgi Pavlovich did not like to act in films. He believed, . the actor was born to the theater and for theater: "Even one actor on stage (without scenery and stage direction) - this is still theater, . while assembling a talented staff, . two o'clock music, . bright story on screen, . where there is no actor, . - All the same movie ",
. In addition to Menglet always important was the reaction of a live audience. Despite this, GP. Menglet starred in several films and TV films. Among them are the role of Prince Vasilchikov in the movie "Lermontov" (1942), Churchill in the feature film "Victory" and Eugene Tamm Vorontsov in the television drama "The investigation leading experts" (1975).

GP. Menglet - People's Artist of USSR, State Prize Laureate. Awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland "IV degree," Badge of Honor. In 2000, he won first prize for best actor in the play "The Miserly Knight A.S. Pushkin (the role of Baron) in the theater "Vernissage on Running."

George P. was a passionate football fan and CSKA. By a tragic coincidence, he died May 1, 2001, . dawn the day, . when the theater was preparing to celebrate the 80-year anniversary of his beloved partner and wife Georgy, . People's Artist of Russia Nina Arkhipova and 50 years of her creative activity.,

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Menglet George P., photo, biography
Menglet George P., photo, biography Menglet George P.  People's Artist of USSR, State Prize Laureate, photo, biography
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