Aurelian Caelius( Rome doctor)
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Biography Aurelian Caelius
Caelius Aurelian; Caelius Aurelianus, V in. n. e., a Roman physician, a native of Numidia in Africa. There was the original researcher, but translated into Latin and Greek medical literature. From his works have survived the whole 3 books on acute illnesses, as well as 5 books on chronic disease. Both works are translations of the missing works of outstanding representative of the Greek medical schools so-called method Sorana. Preserved as fragments of a sort of medical catechism, containing in the form of questions and answers throughout the description of the medicine, called Medical responses, as well as an excerpt of Labor Gynecology, also involves the treatment works Sorana. Numerous quotations and presenting the views of predecessors, Proceedings of the C. become a valuable source for the history of medicine. In the Middle Ages, along with the works of Hippocrates and Galen, they formed the basis of studying medicine.