Dio Cassius (Cassius Dio Coccelianus)( The Greek historian)
Comments for Dio Cassius (Cassius Dio Coccelianus)
Biography Dio Cassius (Cassius Dio Coccelianus)
Cassius Dio; Cassius Dio Coccelianus, from Nicaea in Bithynia, ca. 155-235 years. Mr. e., the Greek historian. His father, Cassius Africanus was under Marcus Aurelius governor of Dalmatia and Cilicia. K.D. field upon receipt of rhetorical education began in 180 g. official career. He was a senator praetor, consul, and in 299 was consul a second time with the Emperor Alexander Severus. Then he retired from public affairs and left home in Bithynia. For 22 years he worked on his main work Roman History (Romaike or lat. Historia Romana) in 80 books. It covers the history of Rome from the founding of the city until the time of Alexander Severus. Wholly preserved only book. XXXVI-LIV (ie. Related to 68-10 years. BC. e.), and partly - Prince. XVII, LXXIX-LXXX. The contents of the lost parts, we learn through the abbreviated paraphrases of two Byzantine authors: Ksifilina and Zonaras. The value of the product to. D. large, especially those parts that relate to the time after the death of Marcus Aurelius. By Style. D. rhetorical manner of presentation is clear and simple. Discover the history K.D. makes itself felt at the Julian the Apostate. In VI. it used the historian Eustace of Epiphany, in VII. - John of Antioch. With extracts Ksifilina Zonaras and he became a "Byzantine Livy.