(15. 5. 1921 - 3. 3. 1944)
A Stakhov Ivan Mikhailovich Squadron 49 Fighter Regiment (309 th Fighter Division, 1 st Air Army, Western Front) Captain. Born May 15, 1921 in the village now Belomestnykh Novomoskovsk district of the Tula region in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1942. Early lost his parents. He was brought up with her brother in Moscow. He graduated from the 7 classes of junior high school Б•ї 487 and Aero Club in the city of Lublin (now in the city of Moscow). In the Red Army from 1939. Graduated from the 2-S Borisoglebsk Red Banner Military Aviation Pilot School Chkalov.
Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War on the front. Captain Astakhov IM. to February 1944, made 283 sorties. Held 63 air battles, in which he personally shot down 12 and in the group - 7 enemy aircraft.
. March 3, 1944 near the town of Smolensk region Rudnya paired with his wingman joined the battle against superior forces of the enemy
. Kills fighter Me-109. In battle he was badly wounded and his aircraft was damaged. Having spent ammunition, rammed another Nazi aircraft and he himself died.
. W tion of Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Mikhailovich Astakhov posthumously awarded July 1, 1944.
. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, Red Banner, World War 1 degree, the Red Star.
. P Ohorona near the village Perevoloche Rudnianski district of Smolensk region
. The Museum School Б•ї 487 Moscow kept the exhibits on the life and heroic exploits.
Biography provided by AE Melnikov
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. Sources:
1) immortal feat of their high. - Tula: Priokskoe kn. ed., 1983
2) Vorobyev MV, Khrapchenkov AK. In the battles at Smolensk land. - M., 1975.
3) The heroes of fire years. - Kn. 6. - Moscow: Moscow Worker, 1983
4) The heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.1. M.: Voeniz.1987.
5) Gnezdilov F.S. At altitudes of courage. - Minsk: Belarus, 1987
6) On the verge of a possible. - 2 ed., Corr. and additional. - M.: "Limb", 1993.