Romanov Roman( Artist)
Comments for Romanov Roman
Biography Romanov Roman
After graduating from art school in Kazan and higher technical education, he completely went into industrial design, and, resting on the lowest shelf all the brushes and paints, he began to work diligently to find a form in its various manifestations. This period of creative activity, a period of 10 years was associated with the development of consumer goods, medical equipment and automotive design. From graphic design, were of interest only to the development of logos and brand names. The work was done both on paper and in clay mockups, and computer graphics. And the very establishment and maintenance of the site was the first step in the development of Web design.
But the decline of our domestic industry's great hit designers, not "who can" draw bunnies to bears, yes bukovki compose in CorelDRAW on billboards and signs. Here he and reminded friends and family on the bottom drawer with paints and brushes.
"From this moment I never can understand what they were 10 years for me: either the path towards the way of art, whether of time, the data for training to find new means of expression. In any case, to his 36 years, I fully determined to choose his career. "
All the work, since the end of 1999, executed in oil on canvas. At this time, almost all are in private collections.