Tina Modotti( Photographer)
Comments for Tina Modotti
Biography Tina Modotti
Tina Modotti arrived in Moscow at a time when the country was seething with creative aspirations, due to the Mexican Revolution. It was time to return to the roots, lifting muralizma, wall paintings, soaked folk traditions. The strength of the national revolutionary movement revealed the veins 'deep Mexico', constituting the essence and foundation of the national peculiarities. It was a country that charmed Tina, as in other creators: C. Eisenstein, A. Breton, A. Artaud, D. Lawrence and others
Tiutchev said that every nation goes through in its history 'fatal moments'. Mexico 20-ies. breathed this 'fatality', wrapped in a popular revolution.
'Plunge into this Mexico' mean for Tina, in her own words, to find herself. Acceded to the circle of leftist intellectuals and creators, it has often created the historical process. Nothing and never inspired her as membership in the years to Mexican art. It was part of the revolution, social and aesthetic, an active participant in the emerging culture, recognition of art and the greatness of the Mexican people. Preserved photographs of Tina Modotti made for the Mexican Communist Party newspaper 'El Machete'.
. Now, . when we all suffer from the absolute domination of mercantile mentality, . may seem strange, . what a beautiful woman, . a position to make a career in Hollywood and devote himself to 'art for art's sake', . donated his talent and the best works in the name of the communist ideas, . Art does not exist in isolation from social reality and can not avoid the collision of values, winning the minds of people. Yes, Tina was a Communist, but it was a noble and worthy choice in that era, and where being a Communist meant to throw a real challenge. Tina paid for it a very high price. For their beliefs, she knew the prison, exile and war.
. Today's Everyman, a fundamental precept of which is Zchem longer to sell, the more expensive stoishI not able to understand that in this Ztsarstve dawn were selfless people who are able to create, to commit themselves to live and die for their ideals . Tina, although not without undue fanaticism, sincerely believed and lived according to the words