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Igor II of Kiev

( From the kind of Chernigov princes)

Comments for Igor II of Kiev
Biography Igor II of Kiev
From the kind of Chernigov Prince. Son Oleg and Svyatoslav Grecian Feofaniya Muzalon. Conducted. kn. Kiev in 1146, Mr.. + 19 sent.1147 g.


In 1145 the patient Vsevolod, brother Igor, who at that time the Grand Duke, called his brothers, relatives and cousins, as well; brother Izyaslav Mstislavovitch. and said to them: "If God takes me, I give Kiev behind my brother Igor". All the brothers and Izyaslav Igor kissed the cross, thus recognizing its right to Kiev. In 1146 Vsevolod summoned to her best Kiev and also told them: "I'm very sick, and here's my brother, Igor, and take him to the princes themselves; they answered:" Take with joy ". Igor went with them in Kiev, called all the townspeople, and all the cross and kissed him, saying: "You are our Prince". After the death of his brother Igor sent to Izyaslav Mstislavich, asking him whether he remains faithful to kiss the godfather. Izyaslav did not answer and did not even let the ambassador back because Kievites invited him to rule. Izyaslav moved to Kiev, and Igor summoned the chief of the Kiev boyars - ULEB, Ivan Voytishicha, Lazar Sakovsky, promising them the same honors as they had from his brother, Vsevolod. But Igor was too late: these nobles, together with others - and Miroslav Polochaninom Vasily Andreyevich - have already moved to the side Izyaslav. They collected five of Kiev, and discussed how to deceive, Igor; and Izyaslav sent to say: "Go, Prince, we had agreed with Kyivers; Olgovich throw a flag and flee with his regiment in Kiev". Izyaslav went to Kiev and stood with his son, Mstislav a shaft, near Nadova lake, and Kiev residents were particularly at Olgovoy graves, huge crowds, says the chronicler. Soon, Igor and his army saw that the people of Kiev sent to Izyaslav and took him to tysyatskogo styagom; after that Berendei crossed Lybed and captured Igorev carts in front of Golden Gate. Seeing this, he said his brother Igor, Svyatoslav and his nephew Svyatoslav Vsevolodovichu: "Go to their regiments, and as we are with them, God will judge";. Told him to go to their shelves as well ULEB tysyatskomu Ivan Voytishichem. But as soon as they arrived at their shelves, then threw banners and went over to the Izyaslav. Igor and his nephew is not embarrassed by this and moved against Izyaslav, but because of the Kiev and Berendeys they could not get to him Nadovym lake, they went on horseback and ended up in the most disadvantageous position, between two canals from the lake and from the dry Lybed. Berendei entered from the rear and began to flog their swords, . a Izyaslav son Mstislav and his retinue went to the flank; Olegovichy ran, . Igor drove into a swamp, . his horse bogged, . but he could not go, . because he was diseased in his feet, his squad drove up to the Dnieper, . to the mouth of the Desna and the ferry to Kiev,
. Four days later, when Izyaslav already sat on the table of Kiev, Igor caught in the swamp. Izyaslav first sent him to Vudubickiy, and then ordered to keep in bondage in Pereyaslavl Ivanovo Monastery.

In prison, Igor just started to hurt and sent to Izyaslav say: "Brother, I am very sick and I ask for your vows, like I did when I was still a prince, but now I need much ache and did not think it'll stay alive '. Izyaslav compassion, and answered him: "If you had thought postrizhenii, then you are free, but I will already release a sake of your illness". Above Igor dismantled the top of the prison and made him sick to his cell, eight days, he did not drink or eat, but then he felt better, and he took the tonsure at the monastery in Kiev Fedorovsky schema.

In the spring of 1147 Izyaslav made a campaign. On the road to Kiev he sent ambassadors, . to those announced treachery of his allies of the princes of Chernigov, . Vladimir and Izyaslav Davidovich, . who wanted him to lure and catch, . Kievans already wanted to go to the aid of the prince against the apostate, . but this time someone in the crowd shouted: "For the prince, then we will go with your happy, . but before this is what must craft: as before with Izyaslav Yaroslavich evil men released from prison and placed Vseslav prince himself, . and for a lot of evil has been our city and now Igor, . enemy of our prince and our, . not in prison, . in Fedorovsky Monastery kill him and go to Chernigov for their prince; get it over with him ",
. The people heard it, rushed to the monastery Fedorovsky. Igor stood in the church at mass. People burst into the church and dragged him with cries of: "Beat!" Beat! " With boyar Mikhail Vladimir Mstislavich brother Izyaslav managed to introduce Igor in his mother's yard and closed the gate. But the crowd, . beating Michael, . broke down the gates and, . saw Igor on the porch, . smashed porch, . Igor stole from them and plunged him unconscious on the ground, then tied a rope to his feet and dragged him to Mstislav yard across town to the prince's yard and killed him, hence, . resting on the wood-sledge, . was taken to the Hem and thrown in the Market Place,
. Vladimir ordered to take the body of Igor and put into St. Michael's Church, and the next day he was buried in the monastery Semenov

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Igor II of Kiev, photo, biography Igor II of Kiev  From the kind of Chernigov princes, photo, biography
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