Michael I Rangabe( Michael I Rangabe)
Comments for Michael I Rangabe
Biography Michael I Rangabe
Michael I Rangabe - Byzantine emperor in 811 - 813 years. + 844 g. ***
Tao Michael Rangabe was married to Procopius, the daughter of Emperor Nikiforov 1. In October, 811 g. He seized power, deposed sick son Nicephorus, Emperor Stavraki. According to Theophanes, Michael was good, but not skilled in managing and slavishly devoted to Fe-oktistu and other commanders. He has enriched all the patricians, senators, bishops, priests, monks, soldiers and beggars in the capital and the provinces, so that the treasures collected by Nikiforov, to be squandered in a few days.
. The share of Michael fell uphill battle with the Bulgarians, started his test . In 812 g. Bulgaria has Me-semvriyu, approached the walls of Constantinople, but were repulsed. In February, 813 g. Michael returned Messemvria and began looking for a decisive battle with the enemy, although many tried to dissuade him from this. June 22 813 g. He met with the Bulgarian Khan Krum under Versinikami near Andrianopolya, and he suffered from a severe defeat, and the Romans fled even before the Bulgarians managed to attack them. Cursing cowardice of soldiers, Michael returned to Constantinople. At the head of the army, he left his general Leo the Armenian. Learning quickly that Leo proclaimed himself emperor, Michael immediately resigned his power and took monastic vows as a monk (Theophanes: 803-805).