ALEXANDER( Byzantine Emperor)
Comments for ALEXANDER
Alexander - a Byzantine emperor of the Macedonian dynasty, who ruled in 912-913 years. The son of Basil I. June 6 + 913 g. Alexander reigned from Constantine, the son of his older brother Leo, one year and twenty-two days. According to its zhizneopisatelya, he had previously only been the case that using neglect brother, live in bliss, and to hunt. The Implementation royal duties, he preferred to dissipation and luxury, and only reigned alone, and not done anything glorious and honorable mention. He hath put down with great desecration of the venerable patriarch of Euphemia and re-erected the fallen brother Nicholas.
On his death the following describes. Once he went to play ball and came back covered in blood, tekshey from the nose and childbearing member (Successor of Theophanes: 6, 2; I-2, 7). Suffering from decay and disease, he called himself Nicholas, gave him custody of the minor Constantine and died soon afterwards ( 'Psamafiyskaya Chronicle', 21).