CHAMPS AND ZHU( Taiwanese businessman and scientist)
Comments for CHAMPS AND ZHU
CHAMPS AND ZHU (Shun-I Chu), Taiwanese businessman and scientist, founder and president of ZyXEL Communications Corporation, a world leader in the manufacture of modems.
In 1974 he graduated from the University in Hsinchu (Taiwan). Then until 1976 he served in the Navy in Taiwan specialist in Electronic Systems. After military service he studied at Rice University in the USA (Houston,. Texas)
. In 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation on fizike.V 1981-87 respectively Shang and Zhou worked in the centers of scientific and technical development corporation AT & T - first in a technical state of the firm Bell Laboratories, . and then at Bell Communications Research, . where he focused on the problems of digital signal processing and data, . high definition television and digital video recording, .
In 1987, Shang and Zhou returned to Taiwan and established a firm ZyXEL Communications Corporation, becoming its president. He personally led the main stages of the development of modems.