ARSENOV Mamontov( Russian religious philosopher, writer)
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Biography ARSENOV Mamontov
ARSENOV, Nikolai Sergeevich (1888-1977), Russian religious philosopher, writer. Born in Stockholm on May 16, 1888 in the family diplomat. He graduated in 1910, historical-philological faculty of Moscow University, trained at universities in Germany. Major impact on Arsen'eva rendered creativity Vl.S.Soloveva, SN Trubetskoy, SN Bulgakov. His religious-metaphysical orientation is reflected in several papers: "In the quest of the absolute God" (1910), "Lament for a dying man to God" (1912) and others. Since 1914 - assistant professor at Moscow University, participated in the First World War. Adjoined Octobrists, enthusiastically greeted the February Revolution, supported the Provisional Government. In 1918-1920 - Professor at Saratov University. He emigrated in March 1920. From 1920 to 1944 he taught at KцІnigsberg and Warsaw (1926-1938), Universities. In 1945, Arseniev moved to Paris, and since 1948 - Professor Sv.Vladimirskoy Theological Academy in New York. Arseniev was a supporter of ecumenism, has participated in Catholic congresses in 1964 was presented to Pope Paul VI. Actively collaborated in berdyaevskom religio-philosophical journal 'Path'. Arseniev died in New York on December 18, 1977. Having received advanced in the Russian religious metaphysics (Slavophiles, SN Trubetskoy) idea of 'catholicity' as the most important characteristic of the Orthodox spiritual experience, Arseniev always saw it as the essence of cultural and historical affairs of the Church. In defending the importance of the mystical tradition in Christianity, he argued against the various forms of mirootrechnogo pessimism, arguing that it is the path of Christian mysticism leads to their resolute overcome. Following Trubetzkoy Arseniev was inclined to see the deep connection of Christianity with the previous ancient metaphysics. A significant part of his work took the issue of religious aesthetics, which are considered in line with the characteristic of the Russian religious-metaphysical thought the approval of the unity of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness. These principles define the common understanding of Arseniev cultural history.