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Romy Schneider

( Actress)

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Biography Romy Schneider
Romy Schneider (23.09.1938 year - 29.05.1982 years) Austria

They flew to Paris - Magda Schneider and her 20-year-old daughter Romy. By dispassionate, almost proud, her mother's face was hard to understand what feelings overwhelmed her that day. Romy, in contrast, did not hide his irritation. Despite her young age, she was a real star and had the right pokapriznichat. Queen-a cowgirl, a model of chastity in lush playful skirts, crinolines, Romy like gone murals of German crockery brands "Madonna". Her glory thundered on both sides of the Atlantic, and every day frolyayn Schneider received an average of six hundred letters with declarations of love.

As the children candy, she bore and bore sugary scenarios, and the young actress was surprised stupidity producers. "If it depended only on them, I probably would remove all the sentimental stories of what happened over the past eight centuries," - she said. Romy felt terribly tired and from these silly movies, and of his glory. She was bored to death with lush lace and fake pearls, irritated slavering fan letters, on-call directors and condescending smile courtesy of Austrian aristocrats, vodivshih friendship with her parents. She was angry at her mother for her constant desire to teach and advise, for what Magda always knows what she wants and what is not, for her eternal debate at the studio, when every pfennig fees for Magda became a matter of life and death. Here and now - even without talking to her daughter, the mother acquired a contract to take this stupid "Christine" and was immensely happy. Romy offended, they have squabbled for a week and treated each other politely and pointed out only when necessary.

. Journalists gathered in a Paris airport for the sake of the young German film star, do not pay attention to the handsome Frenchman, handed her near the stairs bunch of red roses
. Monsieur Alain Delon was a little-known, and the main role in the movie "Christine" had come to him, that is, to pull. Giving his hand a future partner, Delon it measured the critical eye and, turning to other, murmured softly: "inflated German goose". Hear then his words journalists - they would have crucified the young bugger right at the ramp. And would not this story ...

The idea of shooting "Christine" is fully owned by Marge Schneider. She was one of the most popular actresses of the German and Austrian film - until the moment when the screen has not appeared by her daughter, a young mother has eclipsed the beauty and charm. Magda Schneider was a good German mother: she did not become jealous of his daughter, but is entirely devoted her life to her career.

Many years ago, among the films Magda Schneider was filming the play "Flirt". On set, she met Wolf Albach-Rhett - his one and as it turned out very bitter love. Actor-aristocrat, the most famous playboy Vienna, easily won the heart of the beautiful Magda, and just as easy to cast her in a few years after the birth of Romy. Only God knows what forces worth Marge survive this loss. But she was able to pull myself together, keep shooting, and even brought up his daughter married a second time. And now, Frau Schneider, achieving new production of the old plays, counting primarily on the successful advertising. No wonder - the daughter of a stellar role of his mother! The fact that history may repeat itself, practical Magda could not think.

Since the start of filming "Christine" relationship between the principal performers had no luck. The attention of reporters who were on the set now and then had to divert from the stormy quarrels Alain and Romy. He was ill-bred, she - simpered, he was rude, she sulked, he sneered, she despised. In the kissing scene, he went, she was embarrassed: he did this more than once and in real life, but she - only in the movies. But, as we know, from hatred to love - one step ... The shooting came to an end, and Romy first admitted in love Alain. For ladies, educated in a Catholic college, to decide on such courage was not easy. But she could not do with myself. Allen seemed to her somehow ... this. Impetuous, impulsive, ready to do everything on the contrary, the whole world are bristling, he was completely different to those swaggering "ornamental fish", which was surrounded by Romy still. "You're caught in a network, my darling!" - Casting a daughter searching look, "said Frau Magda. And the press trumpeted: "The family of Schneider brewing scandal!"

The shooting, the second part of which was held in Austria, came to an end. Furtively wiping away tears, Romi accompanied Alain in Paris. "I realized that I could not keep his former life: a walk, give autographs, read scripts, - later recalled Romy. - I took a plane ticket Vienna-Paris. What can you do? Then I was so. Always and in all wanted to go to the end. "

. Such-and-so ran away from the palace! My mother and stepfather Romy, . Mr. Blatts-Khaimah, . permanent producer of the young stars, . every day with horror discovered newspapers, . expecting to find the testimony of some concierge from the left bank of the Seine, . where "in sin" lived Romy and "this brash kid Delon",
. Soon Magda Schneider could not stand. It very clearly, she found that the feelings of his daughter and her career is rapidly starting to come out from under her mother's control. Romy Magda wrote a letter in which he begged his daughter only one thing - to legalize the relationship with Alain!

Romy immediately went home. It was followed by Delon. Magda has not yet lost all hope of remedy. Germany met the young people yards headlines, chatter cameras, blitz photoflashes. "Our beloved Sissy engaged to a rising star of French cinema. Hurray! "- Shouted journalists who have paid a lot. Those who wanted to earn more, they wrote another: "The French slicker stole the innocence of Germany". On the day of betrothal, 22 March 1959, one of the papers issued in an editorial: "We loved her, while she remained Sissy and hated, when she fled with a young man named Alain Delon. What a pity that it has become the whore! "

Delon little to affect the insulting remarks of the press. But the very betrothal ceremony, he stood with difficulty. From the future of his family was sick as much from the movies with Romy in the role of Sissy. Techniques frachnye pair open dresses, empty small talk - all Delon despised. As, however, and welfare of all of these people, maintaining accounts in Swiss banks. After all, he himself was only polubesprizornoe childhood, running away from school for troubled teens, friends of the Marseilles port punks and served in Indochina, which, for France 50's was the same than the Afghan us. And life had played a joke on him, like a movie: Rich Girl Romy love the poor Alain ...

Fell in love and confused. Paris has captivated her - in fact it was the city of her lover! - And scared. Of course, she wanted to get to the other, real life, but the change was too rapid. Delon from the noble officers of the Imperial Austrian army, in whose image he stayed on the set "Christine," suddenly turned into a disheveled young man in the faded gin and shovels and a sports shirt. He is always and everywhere of late, with incredible speed raced through the streets of Paris in his "Reno". Initially, Romy was simply unable to keep pace with this frantic pace, she was so anxious to escape with her lover in their cozy flat and sit there hours on end. But Allen that evening, nor sought out of the house. And at every party, every conversation, every new acquaintance, he saw a chance for his career. Delon flirted with the right people, danced with the right people, built with these people plans ... And Romy just loved him.

In Paris, despite his wealth and fame, she felt just a little of the provincial. Her troubled intellectual arguments for-vsegdataev trendy cafes - directors and actors of the new French cinema. Romy listened to their widely flung open the eyes, honestly trying to understand all, and involuntarily shuddered whenever a passionate speeches of speakers slipped strong phrases. And Allen, while remaining indifferent to all this "Left" delirium ", not even trying to protect the tender ears of the bride. He was a cynical interest in watching how every day it melts burgher manners.

Most Romy shocked Parisian hangouts views on love and sex. The decision to live with someone you love was for her unwed, and so very bold step. And in her new circle of young men made no secret of his novels, even if they were novels "for three, even if all three were of the same sex, even if ... The closest friend of Delon actor Jean-Claude Brialy not once shared with her their innermost feelings about love for the boys. And the very Alena she often had to listen to some monstrous fiction ...

Romy, a complete arrogant disdain for gossip, one does not stand up, explodes and demands an explanation. Until now Delon seen her like this only once - on the set of "Christine". The young star, noting that the lace on her crinoline frill badly ironed, a meek lamb before his eyes became talked utter beast and began to whip the heavy dress wardrobe mistress in the face. Delon and now finds that in a frenzy Romy gorgeous. However, he did not intend to hide anything from it: either their past or their future plans, including for the next night, he probably would not be the one Romy ... Yes, he loves his little Romy, Romy he admires, he adores Romy, but ... he was a free man. And so should respect his wishes. It is also absolutely free, and, if something does not suit, she can always go. And he will spend the night as he wants. Freedom above all! " - Said Alain and Romy seemed that the whole unruly bohemian Paris chanted it with him.

"Romy - a child of the society, which I hate more than anything else. However, it is no fault in this. But in five years I was never able to eradicate it, which gives her all the twenty years of her former life. I lived with two Romy. One of them I am madly in love. The second just insanely hated ... "- said later Delon.

Sometimes, Romy, you cry like antics hurt a loved one, it seemed that their relationship is doomed. They are too different people, and none of them can change. But Romy drove away sad thoughts, she was so fond of his Alena, that eventually became reconciled with his freedom, and with the way of life, which he led.

Magda Schneider, closely following the development of their romance from abroad, in a state of terror. Moreover, . that her daughter knows about the betrayals of her fiance, . - She still thinks this is normal! Magda did not believe in "free" like it - she knew perfectly, . a betrayal and hurt, . read another interview with his daughter, . between the lines saw the bitterness and pain, . which she experienced once,
. The bridegroom Romy she wrote with truly German contempt: "He could do it with just about anything he wanted, he committed violence against her - both physical and spiritual. Kisses and blows, he forced her to take up the new morality, the essence of which: everything is permitted. Men can beat women. Men can sleep with men. For this, men can get money from men, the role or an apartment ... "

In March 1961 Delon, Romy and moved their love for the theater stage. Performance of the tragic and forbidden love between brother and sister staged by Luchino Visconti, who rented already Delon in "Rocco and His Brothers". As soon as the curtain came down in the dressing room burst Romy flushed, intoxicated cheers Alain. He rushed to the bride's mother and hugged her (and in fact they hate each other could not) with the words: "Today Romy - Queen of Paris, . my queen! "All my life, and Alain Delon and Romy Schneider will remember this, . as the happiest moments of his novel,
. And Magda in the day thought: who knows, maybe happiness will come to his daughter ...

. Gradually Delon gets her and one of the top five best actors of French cinema, . it receives a strong friendship itself Jean Gabin! And Romy again finds success, . but as a serious dramatic actress, . She was withdrawn from the great Visconti, . Wells, . Clouzot,
. They almost never see each other. In 1962, Romi worked in England, and Allen - in Italy. In 1963, Schneider-m contract with Hollywood and the year goes to the States, and Delon remained in France. At lovers' tryst, she flies on a plane, and then they spend the weekend together in Europe. In her luxury villa in Beverly Hills all the telephones are installed on the largest volume - Romy afraid that, having fallen asleep, can not hear the call Alena. In her diary she writes: "Despite the fact that the personal life for me means a great deal, a profession, I can not sacrifice. Maybe one day I'll tell myself: "Enough!" Search for a husband, have children and dedicated his life to the beloved man ". But I can not imagine this report, because I live just with those who love. Soon, . very soon we are in Monte Carlo will be together to enjoy the sea from the terrace of my home ... "But her friend, . famous novelist Francoise Sagan, . know that, . that Romy did not dare to trust even his diary: "Romy would give everything, . to become the wife Alena,
. He was a man in her life. "

"I can not stand all those bureaucratic things" - brushed Delon from prying questions about their long-awaited wedding. In the summer of 1964 all European newspapers give their answer to this question - they publish the same snapshot of Delon in a break between shootings, lounging in a chair, on her lap, a pretty girl in broad-brimmed hat. Romy looking at the photo - so here it is, the reason why Allen had not arrived at a meeting in Monte Carlo! Some time later she received a letter: "Adieu!" I am returning to you the freedom and I leave you my heart! "

. In this letter she did not answer
. It seemed that what was happening inside her, Romy did not even recognize myself, and only much later in her diary will prompt: "After the betrayal Alain, I was destroyed, confused, humiliated ... If it depended on me - I would've never left ... And before there were moments when I said to myself: it's time to finish! But I have no strength. I am very fond of him and forgives. No no regrets

. The West magazines Stern and Der Spiegel interview with Mr. Blattshayma reprint, stepfather, Romy, in which he said that she telephoned the mother and reported the break with Alain
. Herr Blattshaym assured that the conversation he heard purely accidental, but after all this clearly visible ill-concealed triumph Magda Schneider. Titles are based on malice: "Between Romy and Alain nothing!" Seeing them, Romy said: "The Germans hate me so much that I feel bad."

. In August 1964 the first message appears on the official marriage between Alain Delon and actress Nathalie Barthelemy
. After a couple of months Romy discovers that his son Alain, who was named George Anthony Delon ...

Life lasted. Romy-actress is trying to create a personal drama kinoobraz. And Romy-woman continues to suffer. She again approaches the mother, listens to her words that need to be strong, we must learn through pain, and continue to live, no matter what ...

. Her husband is playwright Harry Mayen (for the sake of the marriage, he left the woman with whom he had lived 12 years)
. The wedding took place in the spring of 1966-first, when Romy was already the fifth month of pregnancy. She wrote in those days: "The years spent with Alain, were wild, crazy. Harry, I finally calmed down. Nine months I did not shoot, but I do not have that painful feeling of emptiness, which usually arise. Now I can even imagine that one day farewell to the cinema ... "She seemed to re-learns to live. But only one phone call destroyed everything.

Harry's birthday. Romy cooked dinner. The maid kept asking the landlady Frau pick up the phone - on the line Paris. As no time! She had too much trouble. Romy reluctantly came to the phone ... Phoned Alain Delon, he asked her to play in his new film "Swimming Pool".

It was in 1968. Delon child just turned four years - the age at which his father once threw himself Alena. Now Allen threw seven. He was undergoing a crisis, moreover, he was involved in a bizarre story of the murder ... In general, it was bad, very bad. He needed warmth. And he urgently needed to remember how he could love! Delon said Jacques Dereyu, director of the film "Swimming Pool", that the role of his partner, he only sees Romy.

. Newspapers pleased to publish photo-reports from the set - former lovers caress each other at the pool
. The residents learn what is happening literally. Been eagerly awaiting details. "I do not understand why it should not be removed in this picture? - Surprised arisen around the film agiotage Harry Mayen. - I would be very concerned if she starred with Marlon Brando, or some other really charming man. But Alain Delon? It has long flown ... "Delon, laughing, waving to reporters:" The fact that we were once engaged, long forgotten. At this time we loved each other like the script ". And Romy shrugged his shoulders: "Delon? Oh, there's nothing colder than a dead love". But in fact, taken in the 'pool' meant for it end with the hard-won happiness. Throwing himself to the aid of Alain, Romy has not been able to restore emotional balance.

Time harmony ended. On the day of the premiere of "basin" scandal, the newspaper photographs zapestreli Romy and Alain in passionate embrace in the airport of Nice. For the lovers, separated a few years ago, it was too ... In addition to photographs in the "business" figured love notes, bouquets, gifts and "accidentally" overheard phrase. Harry Mayen was insulted and disappointed. Romy considered an insult of her husband without cause, . she was offended at the whole world and the making of this world, claims: "We, . the actors, . no right to grow old, . no right to express their thoughts, . no right to go to another country, . live in a common law marriage with a Frenchman, . no right to part with it and no right to meet with him after that movie! ",

. Fleeing from itself, Romy was withdrawn in six films over the next year and a half years - in one after another, for three months on the film
. Between her and her husband growing alienation. Harry Mayen, once a successful playwright and director, gave up work and is rapidly losing themselves into drinking. Exhausted shootings Romy increasingly makes him company. However, she refused without explanation from the beautiful scenarios. Actresses who played in these films, at once become stars. Why she did not want to appear in "Men and women"? Maybe it's because her painful experience on the screen of a happy love? Now all the heroine Romy must live outside of love, in search of the lost. With her alienated from "Last Tango in Paris"? Sadomasochistic background morbid passion, . too reminiscent of her relationship with Delon? Directed by Bernardo Bertolucci specifically takes the main role odnofamilitsu Romy - Maria Schneider, . to highlight their frustration by refusing Romy,
. But when Delon offers her a tiny role in them, produced by "The Assassination of Trotsky", . She broke with all the affairs and rushes to him for miles and miles away, . Mexico! Magda Schneider already in anything does not interfere - Romy does not listen to any of its arguments, . or persuasion, . relationship between mother and daughter now cold as ever.,

. It was in Mexico Delon held once his honeymoon with his wife Natalie
. Now his entire life - continuous honeymoon. Journalists with malice noted that in three films, was released in 1971, and a tireless playboy Delon playing with his ex-wife, Natalie, with a current lover Mireille Darc and with his eternal fiancee Romy Schneider.

. Romy And again has one
. In 1973 she divorced her husband, and the newspaper quoted her defiant statement: "I do not want to live forever under the whip master Mayen. We have decided to part! "Soon, Mr. Mayen commits suicide. Press and the public are accepted lynch Romy. She was withdrawn naked for "Playboy". From the pages of the magazine heard her words: "Freedom is necessary for me to start thinking in new ways. This - the only way to jump out of the box labeled "Romy Schneider". It is the second time married, giving birth to a daughter, but failed marriage only reinforces the feeling of emptiness.

The only thing that remains now in her life - children. Special attachment Romy feels for his son David. She adores her boy and is tormented because he rarely sees. Filming absorb all the time, work on the new roles, she takes in binge. Another such "binge" breaks real nightmare. Fourteen-year David is killed in an accident. Climbed over the fence own estate (he forgot the keys, but at home, as usual, no one was), the boy slipped and fell all over the sharp pins of the metal fence.

All the concerns the funeral of David assumed Delon. After the death of his son Romy in on itself, and Allen was almost the only one whose society she could make. "The day when I will not trust you, will be the last in my life" - this remark from the movie "Christine" Romy often repeated to myself. She trusted Delaunay until the end of his days.

. At noon on May 30, 1982 all the Parisian newspapers came out with a message on the front page: "Romy Schneider committed suicide!" Only towards the end of the day appeared the results of medical examination - her death was sudden, but natural: heart failure
. After a week in "Paris Match" appeared strange epitaph on the death of Alain Delon Romy Schneider, entitled "Farewell, my dolly": "They tell me that you're dead. Sorry if this I? Yes, it is because of me your heart stopped beating. Because of me, because 25 years ago, I did your partner in "Christine."

"... I have done with your partner in" Christine "- Magda Schneider saw in these lines a higher sense of ruthless. The last few years she lived with only one hope - that Providence will have mercy and not allow the tragic end of this story. Providence had ordered otherwise, and Magda Schneider was destined to end his days suffering, mourning the death of his grandson and daughter. Fourteen infinitely long years.

Photos of Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • With mum
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider
  • Romy Schneider

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Romy SchneiderRomy SchneiderRomy SchneiderRomy Schneider

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