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Svatkovsky Dmitry V.

( member team of Russia on modern pentathlon at the Olympic Games 2000 in Sydney)

Comments for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
Biography Svatkovsky Dmitry V.

Born November 27, 1971 in g. Moscow. Height 190 cm. Weight 77 kg.
Higher education. Graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.
Sport - the modern pentathlon.
First coach - A. Shakhmatov.
In favor of the Dynamo. In the national team team since 1991. Coach - And. Soybean.
. In 1994, 1995 World Cup, World Cup won 1 st place.
. In 1997 at the World Cup won 1 st place at the World Championship - 2 nd place.
. In 1998 at the World Cup won 1 st place.
. In 1999 at the World Cup took 3rd place.
. September 30, 2000 at the Olympic Games in Sydney (Australia) won the gold medal in the pentathlon competition among men.
. Hobbies - cars.
. Lives in Moscow
. Wife Xenia, his daughter Jessica.

Information taken from the server "Sport-Express"

User comments
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  • Zarya for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • SHIT this your Svatkivsky!
  • Zarya for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Dima - Dummy
  • Alla for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • I really like Dmitry Svatkovsky. I closely watch the developments in which he is directly involved. I certainly do not hope that he would answer. But let him know that I consider him the best sportsman and heartily sick of it. Sincerely, Alla. 05.12.03
  • Zarya for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Sorry, Svatkovsky Dmitry V. - glubokoouvazhaemy all people, and I unknown ssuka!
  • hbvbyb for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • I really need his e-mail address. Help please.
  • lola for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • And you're so vain vyrazhaetets He's very interesting young man, just always busy, and as a whole Orn magnificent. If you do not know do not get so expressed.
  • lola for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • You should not have put it so the UN is even a wonderful person. Just always busy, but in general, it is even pleasant to communicate and spend time. And those who do not know, please do not express. No need to thwart the evil one for the entire male. If you did not notice it then you are not the ideal.
  • lola for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • I am very happy for his accomplishments. All the same talented people are talented at all! This is further proof. And Dimochka us prove it.
  • SnegoK for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • I think Dimka cool, I love him ... he is a wonderful person, kind, intersny, very intelligent young man ... he ... Dimka I love you!
  • anonim for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Thank you for a wonderful day and wonderful night! Adore ....
  • Yuri for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • a zarya, vas zovut Oksana Skaldina?
  • anonim for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • there is not oksana Skaldina, she did something wrong against the no. Just do not come together by the characters. Who are you? Another passion? Or a girl for one night?
  • Zarya for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • And what about another passion?
  • Zarya for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • and you what?
  • LINDA for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • I want to ask a question Dime. How can I do?
  • LINDA for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • How can you ask Dmitry V.?
  • Zarya for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • what do you want to ask?
  • LINDA for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Yes, so nothing I wrote.
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Yes No Do not nothing easy, you began to wonder, as tiut suddenly the girl read it! Fun? Perhaps in the future wife.
  • LINDA for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • silly you!
  • LINDA for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • silly you!
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • so that you would like to ask?
  • SnegoK for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Dima the best ... he's wonderful kind gentle ... for him and with him to the ends of the world ... ready to repeat kakzhduyu minute Dima I LOVE YOU ! And I forgive you. Kot ... you luchshiy.Ya with you!
  • SnegoK for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • "Anonymous", if you name is Tania, I want to say that you're a fool HAZELNUTS stuffed!
  • lapuly for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • And from where such confidence? No lobes not Tanya. And what did you meet him?
  • Fire for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Girls, you have nothing to do ! At Spring Street, the cool kids ! Steep hangouts in the Z-top, Milo etc !
  • Fire for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Girls, you have nothing to do ! At Spring Street, the cool kids ! Steep hangouts in the Z-top, Milo etc !
  • SnegoK for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • lapuly, Lapulya, Kitty ... apparently we all tuned in :-) Fire - a lot of guys and a man dreams of one! Kitty fellow ... I love you.
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Najera need it? He is the death of a womanizer and liar!
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Why you need one? It's demise philanderer, rake, and to the liar. Find decent! And do not forget the street SPRING! It's great. And because of it not even worth their nerves to wind. Believe me, he was an inveterate bachelor !
  • Leanta for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Oh, devchenki! You should have seen this handsome on holiday ...:) would quickly fervor died down ... especially when his face bitten by bees ... yes it does have everything that moves in skirts, and you: ... Loved, I'm with you !... But you duuurochki !:):):)
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • SnegoK for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • No ... all the same, he is the most ... .. once again convinced. A girl or a skirt .. it is coming and uhodyascheee! Voobshchem Dimul love with each passing day more ... Thank you for what you have ... Kitty you are the best. Kiss hard
  • Natalie for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Do you here that fen club it? I do not understand that you have found it! He's done for you moron!
  • Analtoly for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • What did you let him, aunt? He's mine !
  • Borik for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • But I heard and saw that he had met with the Nizhny Novgorod model.
  • Borik for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • I've heard and seen that he had met with the Nizhny Novgorod model.
  • Borik for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Ina for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • I do not understand what you find in it all, he's a womanizer and, moreover, a loner, and in addition boitsya serious otnasheny like fire. I've heard about his adventures. Go to the roof itself oymete who he is and what it ate.
  • Ina for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Well you fen-club prodalzhaetsya?
  • Borik for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • and saw the truth ... they are no longer together .. rasstals probably .... beautiful .. passion was this brunette babe .. mmm ... devchenki let me tusit Th you about him and about him .....!
  • SnegoK for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • You simply do not know ... so calm down already and put him alone ... Dimka good ...!
  • anonimno for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Hands off the pope Dimy.ya his daughter.
  • ooooooooooooo for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • and with whom he now?
  • Tina for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Nightmare! In Nizhny Novgorod such serious problems with men that the girls are seething brains? ))))
  • Igra for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Not create yourself an idol.
  • Lika for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Look at vaschto all loft go? You do not accidentally all the time in the clinic? Who is it? Though someone talked with him personally? In here you arranged. "To get possible. It's more like a hair dryer club idiots.
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Goat! I am because of you hut lost ........
  • ugututy for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • nbnbb
  • sveta for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • :))))
  • Nick for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • And we have that the men in the country no more? A?
  • Zarya for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Hmm .., and write on behalf of others - stupidity. ps: those who did it, I realize, of action, but I know Dima. and sorry, snapped, calling it a d. .., and pacifiers. was very angry at that time. refrain from further comment .. although much could be said ...
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • п°я?п°я?п°, . really funny to read comments diffident, . not encumbered by the brain virgins, . that and see him have never seen ... and write words of gratitude for the night, . day .. you own it is not funny, . girl? .. more self-esteem is, . first, . secondly, . He and half spoken compliment is not worth .. most mediocre man with pretensions to perfection .. what is not ... to 38 years have not the courage to start a serious relationship ...,
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • is precisely marked, but one question arises: What is it you want? Here and so all pomoemu moved, so he would have honored. Pinned to guess. A fan club
  • Anonymous for Svatkovsky Dmitry V.
  • Yes he read)))
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    Svatkovsky Dmitry V., photo, biography
    Svatkovsky Dmitry V., photo, biography Svatkovsky Dmitry V.  member team of Russia on modern pentathlon at the Olympic Games 2000 in Sydney, photo, biography
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