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Akhmatova (Gorenko) Akhmatova

( poet)

Comments for Akhmatova (Gorenko) Akhmatova
Biography Akhmatova (Gorenko) Akhmatova
Life: 23/06/1889 - 05/03/1966
Born in Odessa. Father Andrei Antonovich Gorenko was a mechanical engineer fleet in 1890. family settled in Tsarskoe Selo. In the capital Marine offices and educational institutions father held various administrative and teaching positions. The family had six children. Father soon left the family. By the early poetic exercises of his daughter treated very skeptical and irritated. For this reason, the first publication ( "On his hand a lot of brilliant rings ...") in the published H. Gumilev in Paris magazine "Sirius" appeared under the initials "A. G. ". Then she came up with a nickname, select the name of his great-grandmother, waging race from the Tatar khan Akhmad. Later, Akhmatova was told: "Only seventeen crazy girl could choose the name Tatar to Russian poetess ... I have therefore come to mind to take him a nickname that my father, hearing of my poems, said: "Do not disgrace my name" .- "I do not need me your name!" - I said ...".
In contrast to his father's mother Anna Akhmatova was always responsive, attentive to the lessons her daughter. Poetic talent was, apparently, is from her. In my own mother were people involved in literature. For example, now forgotten but once famous Anna Bunin (1794-1829) (called Anna Akhmatova "the first Russian poet") was represented by her aunt mother father Erasmus Ivanovich Stogova, keep the "Notes", published in his time in the Russian past. "
. In Tsarskoe Selo Akhmatova studied at Maria school, and summer is usually spent with his family at Sevastopol
. Impressions from the Black Sea later reflected in various works, in t. h. in her first poem "Near the Sea" (1914). Theological and poetic homeland remained until the end of life Tsarskoe Selo, inseparable from the Pushkin. Poetry began to write early and write their girlish years, about two hundred, some poems, which have come down to our time, are of 1904-1905. In 1903, Mr.. Akhmatova met with H. Gumilev - he was her senior by three years and also studied at the Gymnasium of. (They were married in 1910) After parents' divorce Akhmatova, along with his mother moved to Index - she threatened to tuberculosis, the former scourge of the family. Gymnasium course it took place at home. But in 1906-1907. Somewhat recovered, began to study in the graduating class Fundukleevska school in Kiev, and in 1908-1910 he. yurideskom department at the Higher Women's Courses. All this time has not ceased to write poetry. Judging by a few of them survived, as well as statements of most Akhmatova, it exerted considerable influence in the then. Bryusov, A. Block, somewhat later M. Kuzmin, and the French Symbolists and the "cursed" (P. Verlaine, W. Baudelaire and others), from writers to. Hamsun. Spring 1910. Akhmatova, together with H. Gumilev went to Paris. It happened her acquaintance with a. Modigliani, captured image of a twenty Akhmatova in pencil portrait. After the first publication in the "Sirius" Akhmatova was printed in the "General Journal" magazine "Gaudeamus", as well as in the "Apollo". Last publication aroused a sympathetic response in. Bryusov. Poetry is in the "Apollo" caused parody in. P. Burenina. In the same year and held the first public performance of Akhmatova reading his poems in the Society of adherents of artistic expression. I received it and the approval of his poetic work of H. Gumilev, before falling into a poetic experience of his bride and wife with a certain restraint and caution. Each summer, . until 1917, . Akhmatova spent in the estate of her mother-in-Slepneva (Tverskaya province), . played in her work rol.Zemlya much of this land gave her the opportunity to feel and to know the hidden beauty of the Russian national landscape, . and proximity to village life has enriched the knowledge of the customs and language,
. In Akhmatova's work takes Slepneva along with Tsarskoe Selo, St Petersburg, Moscow and the Black Sea region, special and certainly an important place. In the same 1911. Akhmatova was introduced into the organized H. Gumilev "Poets' Guild, where the Acting Secretary. In 1912, Mr.. "Poets' Guild, formed in a group acmeists, which proclaimed in their manifestos and articles to support a realistic concreteness, thereby ushering in a creative debate with the Symbolists. Appeared in 1912, Mr.. Akhmatova's first book, "Evening" not only meet the requirements set forth by the leaders acmeism H. Gumilev and C. Gorodetsky, but to some extent, and she served as the artistic rationale for Acmeist declarations. Book preface prefaced M. Kuzmin, noting the typical features of Akhmatova's poetry: an acute sensitivity, acceptance of the world in his living, solar flesh and - simultaneously - the inner consciousness of the tragic. He also noticed in the art world Akhmatova and communication of specific subjects, objects, fragments of life "with" experienced by minutes'. Akhmatova herself these features of his poetics associated with exposure to it and. Annenskogo, whom she called "teacher" and whose "Cypress Chest" was for her in those years handbook. Acmeist aesthetics, loyalty which Akhmatova emphasized in his later years, was opposed symbolism. Poet wrote:
"Our rebellion against the symbolism perfectly justified, because we feel people 20 th century and did not want to stay in the previous ..." In 1912-1913. She has performed with the reading of verses in the cabaret "Stray Dog", in the All-Russia literary society at the University for Women (Bestuzhev) courses in the Tenishev School, in the building of the City Council and had been extremely successful. September 18, 1912, Mr.. Akhmatova and H. Gumilev was born the son of Leo (the future historian and geographer, author of the greatest achievements of the XX century .- ethnological theory). Thank Akhmatova after the appearance of "Nights" and then "rosary" was breathtaking - for some time, it is clearly covered him many of his contemporaries, poets. On the "Clear" (1914) praised M. Tsvetaeva ( "Anna Akhmatova"), in. Mayakovsky, B. Pasternak. Its called "Russian Sappho, she became a favorite model for artists, on the composition of poetry anthology" The image of Anna Akhmatova "(L., 1925), which included works of A. Blok H. Gumilev On. M., M. Lozinski, IN. Shileiko, IN. Komarovski, H. Nedobrovo IN. Piast, B. Sadowski.
. Critics and poets, and readers noted the "mystery" of her poetry, with all that poetry seemed torn page of letters or diaries, extremely laconic, avarice speech left the impression of dumbness or voice intercept
. The readers of 1910's. arose a great artist and a kind of force. Akhmatova in his poems, as in life, was very feminine, but in the tenderness of her poetic words, identify authoritativeness and energy. Her lyrics, seemingly unlike anyone's contemporaries and of anyone of his predecessors, was nevertheless quite deeply rooted in the Russian classics. The lyrical theme in Akhmatova was broader and multi-valued refer to specific situations. In Akhmatova's poetry was part of the era.
After the revolution, Akhmatova was published "Plantain" (1921), "Anno Domini MCMXXI" (1921),. Unlike many of his friends and acquaintances she emigrated. Famous became her invectives "I heard the voice. It promised solace ... "(1917), confirmed in five years' poem of the same meaning:" Not with those I who threw the earth ... "(1922). Part of emigration reacted to these poems with great irritation. But in his own country after the revolution, Akhmatova was not found a proper understanding - in the eyes of many, she remained a poet of old Russia, "a fragment of the empire". This version of the haunted Akhmatova's life - until the infamous Regulation CC, CPSU (b) "On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad" (1946). Over the past four decades it has become much engaged in the Pushkin era, . including the architecture of St. Petersburg; born her research interest in Pushkin and Akhmatova's work in this area: "The Last Tale of Pushkin, . Tale of the Golden Cockerel ", . "Adolf" Benjamin Constant in Pushkin ", . " 'The Stone Guest" Pushkin ", . "The death of Pushkin", . "Alexandrina", . "Pushkin and the seashore Neva" and others were highly appreciated by authoritative scholars of Pushkin.,
. 1930 gg
. Akhmatova's life were in the most difficult time of testing. Pre-war poetry (1924-1940), collected in "Reed" and "Seventh book" (collections prepared poet, but were not published separately) indicate the expansion of the range of her lyric. Absorbs the tragic misfortunes and sufferings of millions of people who are victims of terror and violence in her own country. Repression touched and her family - was arrested and exiled son. People's tragedy, and became her personal troubles, gave new strength to Akhmatova's Muse. In 1940. A. wrote a poem lamenting "The Way of All the Earth" (started in March 1940, first published entirely in 1965). This poem, with the image of funeral sleigh in the center, with the expectation of death, with the ringing of bells Kitezh - directly adjacent to the "Requiem", has been created over the 30-ies. "Requiem" expressed great folk tragedy, in its poetic form it is close to the popular chants. "Weaved" from the simple words, "overheard" as Akhmatova wrote in prison queues, it is with tremendous poetic force and civilian passed and the time and soul of the people. "Requiem" was not aware of any in the 1930-ies. Or much later (published in 1987), as, incidentally, were not known to him accompanied the "Shards" and many other works of the poetess.
. During the Great Patriotic War, were evacuated from besieged Leningrad at the beginning of the blockade, Akhmatova worked intensively
. Is widely known to have its patriotic poem "Oath" (1941), "Courage" (1942):
. The hour has struck at the courage of our hours,
. And have not the courage to leave.
. All the war years and later, until 1964, was working on "Poem Without a Hero," which became a central piece in her work
. This broad canvas epico-lyrical plan, where Akhmatova recreates the era of "Eve," returning memory in 1913. There is a pre-war St. Petersburg with a characteristic feature of that time appear, along with the author, the figure Blok, Chaliapin, ON. Glebova-Sudeikina (in the form of confusion, Psyche, the former one of her theatrical roles), Mayakovsky. Akhmatova judges era, "spicy" and "disastrous", sinful and brilliant, and themselves as well. The poem is broad in scope of time - in its epilogue, there is the motif of war with fascism in Russia; it multifaceted and multi-layered, very complex in its composition and sometimes encrypted imagery. In 1946, Mr.. known order of the journals Zvezda and Leningrad again deprived Akhmatova opportunity to publish, but a poetic work, according to her, yet has never been interrupted. Gradually taking place, albeit slowly, returning to the printed page. In 1964, Mr.. she received in Italy Award "Etna Taormina, and in 1965. awarded in Oxford an honorary doctorate. Last book was a collection of Akhmatova's "Running Time" (1965), which became the main poetic event of the year and discovered many readers all the great poet's career - from "Nights" to "Komarovskikh outline" (1961).
. Akhmatova died in the town of Domodedovo, near Moscow, was buried in the village Komarovo 50 km from Saint-Petersburg

Russian writers of the 20 th century. Bibliographic Dictionary. T2. MA: Education. 1998. S. 109

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