Born March 22, 1954 in Volgograd, in the family of the writer in. N. Eremenko.
In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism. Candidate of Philology.
He worked in the APN, the magazine Literary Studies ". A Fellow of the Institute of World Literature USSR.
. Since 1989 works in the weekly "Literary Russia".
. In December 1989, after the death of the chief editor of "LR" Ernst Safonov, Labor put forward a team of
Vladimir Eremenko for the post of chief editor of "LR"
. Was approved in this post.
At the council secretaries of the Union of Writers of Russia in. Eremenko put forward his vision for the newspaper. In his view, the basic rate will be placed on strengthening ties with the regions of Russia and regional writers' organization, as well as create their own regional network of correspondents.
. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
. Author of books of prose: "Threshold", "Others will not return," the novel "Flaming".
. Fluent in French and English.
. Married
. He has a son and a daughter.