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Bunich Paul G.

( Chairman of the Party "Democratic Initiative")

Comments for Bunich Paul G.
Biography Bunich Paul G.

Born October 25, 1929 in Moscow, Russian. Father - a military engineer, in 1937, was arrested and held in camps for 17 years. Educated mother - Secretary VSNTO, formerly a graduate of the Smolny Institute.
In 1952 graduated from the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University (MSU) of. M. V. University.
. From 1955 to 1966 he worked in the Research Financial Institute (NIFI) in the positions of Senior Research Officer to the Deputy Director for Science.
. From 1965 to 1970 headed the laboratory at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR.
. In 1970 - 75 - Member of the Presidium of the Far Eastern Scientific Center (FESC), USSR Academy of Sciences, director of the Khabarovsk Research Institute of Integrated FESC, director-organizer of the Institute of Economic Research FESC.
. In 1975 - 90 was in charge of the country's first chair of the economic mechanism of the Moscow Institute of Control
. Ordzhonikidze. In 1990 he was appointed vice-rector for scientific work of the Academy of National Economy (ANE). Since 1991 - Vice-Chancellor of ANE.
. In 1989 was elected deputy of the USSR.
. In 1990 headed the Union of Entrepreneurs and tenants of the USSR (from 1993 - the International Union of Entrepreneurs and tenants).
. Since 1990 - Vice-President of the Scientific-Industrial Union, later renamed Russia Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).
. In September 1993, announced the establishment on the basis of the Union of Leaseholders and Entrepreneurs of the new political party "Democratic Initiative (CI)
. He became its chairman.
. 12 December 1993 was elected to the State Duma of the first convocation.
. 17 December 1995 was elected to the State Duma of the second convocation.
. Chairman of the Scientific and Economic Council of the Government of Moscow.
. Member of the Board of Commerce and Industry Chamber.
. Member of the Editorial Board Ogonyok, one of the founders of the newspaper Moscow News.
. Author of more than 600 publications in various newspapers and magazines, some books on self-sufficient basis.
. He has state awards.
. Married
. Son - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director General of the Scientific-Production Association and the International Fund for promoting entrepreneurship.

Curriculum Vitae available IPC "Panorama"


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    Bunich Paul G., photo, biography
    Bunich Paul G., photo, biography Bunich Paul G.  Chairman of the Party "Democratic Initiative", photo, biography
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