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Ellen Barkin (Barkin Ellen)

( Actress)

Comments for Ellen Barkin (Barkin Ellen)
Biography Ellen Barkin (Barkin Ellen)
Born on 16.4.1955 in New York.
'A fatal woman' in contemporary American cinema ... One can hardly find a more vivid image of the bearer of this than the young actress Ellen Barkin. With chiseled figure, smooth porcelain face framed by long blond hair, she would have gone for quite a pretty doll. If it were not for the eyes - narrow, penetrating, seeing people through. A woman with such eyes can not deceive. Perhaps because so often appears on her lips curl of the lips, which makes a person ugly, and sometimes repulsive. Ellen Barkin - a dangerous woman, in this sense are built, many films in which she starred.
In 'Johnny Handsome' (1989), which starred Mickey Rourke's favorite audience, Barkin plays gangstershu Sunny. Insolent, cruel, ruthless, she knows how oduryayusche effect on men of wild beauty, and shamelessly takes advantage of this. Accustomed to bring everyone and everything, it opens in the final shootout, which killed all the characters, including herself. The reflection of the risk lies almost all actress. But portraying criminals, Barkin never transgressed a line and therefore never appears on the screen vulgar. It helps in this talent and good acting education.
Ellen Barkin began studying acting 15-year-olds in the 'Hunter College', then moved to the High School of Performing Arts (New York). On the advice of teachers highly valued the expressive her performing style, was admitted to the famous 'Actors Studio' based Lee Strasberg. Preparing to become a theatrical actress, but the theater disappointed her. 'Before the camera can not lie, but on the stage can safely be false, and no one noticed. The process of the film brings me much more satisfaction than the scene '- admits actress. Acted in 1982 in an episode of paintings 'Dining', Barkin was subdued business environment that prevails on the set. Since then, she seized every opportunity to play in a movie, not ashamed to speak in the smallest roles. And then, finally, in 1985, directed by Jim McBride decided to make a film 'Big kicks', calculated solely on the identity of the two young actors - Ellen Barkin and Dennis Kveyda.
Ellen Barkin plays a strict, buttoned all the buttons of an assistant prosecutor, sent to New Orleans to untangle the improper dealings of local police. Sudden passion for one of them - Remi - Anne Osborne turns in a very interested participant in the events. Their love scenes, full of modesty and passion, were found almost the best in the movie 80 years. Feminists have warmly welcomed the film, because the heroine in all respects superior to the hero.
'Big kicks', who testified as an actress Ellen Barkin, endowed with a vivid eroticism and masterly acting technique, led her to the leading masters of the 80-ies. Offers poured from all sides. Especially, she worked intensively in 1986-87., Fulfilling the role of active, dangerous, sexy women ( 'Flower of the Desert', 1986; 'Outside Law', 1986; 'Made in Heaven', 1987; 'Siesta', 1987). The most popular film used the 'Sea of Love' (1989), in which Barkin made with Al Pacino, playing a policeman. Its heroine - a modest clerk in a shoe shop in the evening becomes a militant feminist-hunter. Bright red suit, flowing hair, scarlet, krivyaschiysya a smile to her mouth helps lure men to then enough to make fun of them. 'I live for love' - a challenge she says. However, the murderer turns out to be her ex-husband, avenger all lovers wife.
Aggressiveness and dynamism distinguish Ellen Barkin among actresses of her generation. Perhaps it was one of the forces that feverish pace, which has offered his actors directed by Mary Lambert in the erotic thriller 'Siesta'. Tsirkachka Claire, performer dangerous stunts, goes in search of her lover in Spain. Having lived through it the most incredible series of events, she finds death at the hands of his jealous wife. Performing style Barkin is poised on the brink of delusion and reality.
Heroines of the actress is always dangerous to others. This prompted the director Blake Edwards to entrust the actress role of men, transformed into a woman for his swinish attitude toward mistresses. But now 'Changeling' (1991) can not be attributed to the best works Barkin. Apparently, comedy - not the strongest side of this actress, whose game is different gloomy expression.
She is married to actor Gabriel Byrne.

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Ellen Barkin (Barkin Ellen), photo, biography
Ellen Barkin (Barkin Ellen), photo, biography Ellen Barkin (Barkin Ellen)  Actress, photo, biography
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