Meg Whitman( Businessman)
Comments for Meg Whitman
Biography Meg Whitman
In the memorable 1970, students clearly preferred discos reading Wall Street Journal. But for Margaret (Meg) Whitman this newspaper is delivered directly to dorm rooms. Her companion at the institute Dick Boyce recalls that when they are very surprised by the thrust of the young student to the serious business. "Meg has always been very ambitious and focused on the study of business." Whitman long enough to reject an invitation to work in the company, eBay. In those years she directed the department of pre-school, in college, and in addition, has two children and was an exemplary wife, a neurosurgeon at Massachusetts. eBay then (in 1997) was a small company with three dozen employees and a turnover of 5.7 million. U.S.. - Nothing outstanding. However, agents Scollo were persistent, and Whitman agreed. By happy coincidence, her husband got a good job at Stanford University, and together they moved to California. As we have said, while eBay has been very far from the financial success. Perhaps, in moving the company to market Meg helped that she had to work and gain experience in such global brands as 'Procter & Gamble'. Colleagues and clients admire candor, correctness and clarity with which it does business, Meg. This attracts people to her and inspires confidence in the company.