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Ganeev Camille ï?ï°ï?ï?ï¨ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ï?ï?ÿ?

( War Veteran)

Comments for Ganeev Camille ï?ï°ï?ï?ï¨ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ï?ï?ÿ?
Biography Ganeev Camille ï?ï°ï?ï?ï¨ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ï?ï?ÿ?
(January 10, 1922)
On the chest combat general KS. Ganeeva Order of Lenin, . Red Banner, . Red Banner of Labor, . two orders of the Patriotic War, . two Orders of Red Star, . Order "3A Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree, . medal "For Defense of Moscow, . "For the capture of Kö²nigsberg", . "For Victory over Germany", . more than 20 domestic and foreign awards.,
. Born January 10, 1922 in the village of Upper Bishindy Tuimazinsky district Bashkir ASSR
. Father - Samigulla (1896. born.). Mother - Saira Fahitdinovna (1896 g. born.). Son - Vladimir (1952 g.rozhd.) Lieutenant-General. Daughters: Svetlana (1949. born.), Albina (1947-1990). Grandson - Sergey (1979. born.), a student MGIMO.

Father Kamil, Samigulla, was one of the first organizers of Soviet power in the countryside. As Secretary Bishindinskoy Party unit, he oversaw the creation of the Association of Farming. In 1923 the parish was the chairman of the executive committee. Some time later the family moved to Ganeeva Tuymazy. Camille was in Tuimazinskaya secondary school N 1. Graduated with distinction. Among peers differed diligence, commitment, discipline, actively participated in public life of the school. He was chairman of uchkom, organized and participated in sports competitions, where he always won prizes. With enthusiasm and passion for reading books about the exploits of the heroes of all time.

Future Camille predicted school director, who said when giving the matriculation certificate, that this young man is sure to be the commander. In 1939, Camille Ganeev enrolled in Ulyanovsk Tank School. War met in June 1941, a platoon commander 145 th Tank Battalion 104 th Armored Division on the Western Front. In 1944, KS. Ganeev became commander of the 43rd Guards tank battalion, and at the end of the war - the deputy commander of 101 th Guards Tank Regiment of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Graduated from the war participation in the storming of Kö²nigsberg. During the war, was replaced by 6 Crew. Four times he was badly
After the wars, KS. Ganeev successfully graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces behalf R.YA. Malinowski. He served in the Turkestan Military District. In 1960 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. For several years he served in the Far East commander of the legendary 5-th Army. In 1969 he was sent to the formation of the Central Asian Military District in the position of the 1 st Vice Commander of the District. In addition to his duties there he had to lead the work to save the city of Alma-Ata in the liquidation of lodging at Medeo. In recent years the service KS. Ganeev led by faculty at the Military Academy of the General Staff. Elected deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In the resignation came at the rank of lieutenant general.
On the chest combat general KS. Ganeeva Order of Lenin, . Red Banner, . Red Banner of Labor, . two orders of the Patriotic War, . two Orders of Red Star, . Order "3A Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree, . medal "For Defense of Moscow, . "For the capture of Kö²nigsberg", . "For Victory over Germany", . more than 20 domestic and foreign awards.,
. Lives in Moscow.

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Ganeev Camille ï?ï°ï?ï?ï¨ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ï?ï?ÿ?, photo, biography
Ganeev Camille ï?ï°ï?ï?ï¨ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ï?ï?ÿ?, photo, biography Ganeev Camille ï?ï°ï?ï?ï¨ÿ?ï?ï?ï¡ï?ï?ÿ?  War Veteran, photo, biography
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