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Lawrence Sullivan Ross (Lawrence Sullivan Ross)

( Trooper, soldier, statesman and president of the University)

Comments for Lawrence Sullivan Ross (Lawrence Sullivan Ross)
Biography Lawrence Sullivan Ross (Lawrence Sullivan Ross)
(September 27, 1838 - 3rd January 1898)
His death was a shock to the fellow countrymen, and his obituary, published in all newspapers, began with these words: "Not many people had Texas as much service as did Sal Ross. It is named after University in Elpayn.
. Lawrence Sullivan "Sal" Ross, a soldier, statesman and president of the university, was born September 27, 1838 in Bentonsporte, the territory of Iowa, the son of Prince Sharpli Ross and Catherine Ross (Fulkerson)
. His parents moved to Iowa from Mississippi in 1834, . in 1839 all the large family chose his new residence in Texas - First County Maylem, . then - Austin and, . Finally, . Waco, . where Sharpli Ross became one of the most respected citizens and wealthy cattle owners,
. Love young Sala for adventure in Texas has found fertile ground, and he from childhood in the company with his father and his comrades took part in skirmishes with hostile Indians. Despite the desire to become a military Sala, his father insisted that he had received a good education at universities in Texas and Alabama Independence Florence (the latter he graduated in 1859). Although civic education, . Sal Ross still has of his childhood dreams and, . while still a student on vacation, . voluntarily joined the army and drove the Comanches in September-October 1859, . not only earning the promotion of officers, . but was seriously wounded in battle with the Indians in the Wichita Village.,

. Despite the shaky after injuring health, . Ross graduated from the University and returned to Texas, . but only for, . to spring and summer of 1860 once again join the army and take part in the unsuccessful campaign against the Indians, . already in the first rank of first lieutenant, . and then the captain,
. Despite the failure of the expedition, Ross said, and cherished Texas governor Sam Houston, which allowed the young officer to collect his own company of volunteers to fight with the Comanches in the area of the county Young. Together with parts of the regular army of Russia in December 1860 pursued a large gang of marauding Indians and defeated her at the Peace River, this fact did Sala Rossa extremely popular figure around the tech levels are reached
. Since the beginning of civil war had left its rangers and in May 1861 he married Elizabeth Dorothy Tinsley, daughter of a prosperous planter of Waco
. Test myself in the civil service as an official negotiator with the Indians, Ross changed his mind and together with his elder brother joined the regular army of the Confederacy, 6 th Texas Cavalry Regiment. The rank of captain and colonel of the regiment Ross participated in all major operations in the West - Pi Ridge, Corinth and Viksberg. At the beginning of 1864 Ross was promoted to brigadier general and received the command of the Texas Cavalry Brigade, which consisted of 3rd, 9 th and 27 th Texas cavalry regiments. This team fought well in the campaigns in Atlanta and Franklin-Nashville, but at the time of its surrender in May 1865 in Jackson, Mississippi, Ross was with his soldiers - defeat found him at home on leave.
. The loss in the war and the numerous wounds crippled Ross, and the first eight years of Reconstruction he held at his farm, cultivating land and rearing children (and their family of Ross was born nine)
. In 1873 the citizens of McLennan County elected him as sheriff, setting off a political career Sala Rossa. For two years tenure he managed to curb gang violence and terror, as well as an association of Texas Sheriffs. He realized the necessity of reforms and it is therefore participated in the drafting of the document by which the Texas run today - the Constitution of Texas in 1876. In 1880 Ross became a state senator from the Democratic Party, and later won two terms as Texas governor's seat after a convincing victory in elections in 1886 and 1888. His reign has coincided not only with the growth of industrial, commercial and agricultural might of the state, but, according to contemporaries, it was time for the Wild West of unprecedented peace and harmony in society. After leaving the governorship, in 1891, Ross became president of the ailing Texas College of Agriculture and Mechanics (now - Texas Agricultural University), and won in this post public recognition. During the period of presidency, Russia has increased the number of students, were built new training facilities, and the reputation of institutions has risen sharply to the federal level. In 1893, Sal Ross was elected leader of the Texas Branch of the United Confederate Veterans, and two years later accepted the offer uchastvoat in the Railway Commission for the Development of the transport structure of the Southwest U.S.. The unexpected death of Lawrence Sullivan Ross 3rd January 1898 was a shock to fellow countrymen, and his obituary, published in all newspapers, began with these words: "Not many people had Texas as much service as did Sal Ross. It is named after University in Elpayn.

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Lawrence Sullivan Ross (Lawrence Sullivan Ross), photo, biography
Lawrence Sullivan Ross (Lawrence Sullivan Ross), photo, biography Lawrence Sullivan Ross (Lawrence Sullivan Ross)  Trooper, soldier, statesman and president of the University, photo, biography
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