Bruno, Giordano( The great astronomer, scientist, philosopher)
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Biography Bruno, Giordano
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) - great Italian scientist, scientist, philosopher, poet, an ardent supporter and promoter of the Copernican theory. With 14 years he studied at the Dominican convent and became a monk and changed the real name of Filippo Giordano. Deep knowledge obtained through self-education in the rich monastery library. For bold statement against the dogmas of the church and support the teachings of Copernicus, Bruno was forced to leave the monastery. Pursued by the church for many years he wandered through many cities and countries in Europe. Everywhere he lectured, spoken at public theological debates. Thus, in Oxford in 1583. the famous dispute about the rotation of the Earth, an infinite universe and innumerable inhabited worlds in it he said, according to contemporaries, "fifteen times gagged poor old doctor" - his opponent. In 1584, Mr.. London came out of his basic philosophical and natural science works written in Italian. The most significant was the work "On the infinity of the universe and worlds" (then called the world of Earth with its inhabitants). Inspired by the teachings of Copernicus and deep general philosophical ideas of German philosopher XV in. Nicholas of Cusa, Bruno has created his own, even more bold and progressive of the universe, in many ways foresee future scientific discoveries. The ideas of Giordano Bruno for centuries ahead of his time. He wrote "Heaven ... a single immense space, which contains all the bosom, ethereal region, in which all the runs and moves. In it - the countless stars, constellations, balls, sun and the earth ... reason, we conclude that an infinite number of other ";" They all have their own movement ... Some circled around the other ". He argued that neither the only Earth, but no other body can not be the center of the world, because the universe is infinite and "centers" in its infinite number of. He argued that the variability of the bodies and the surface of our Earth, considering that during the great periods of time, the sea turned into the continents, and continents - in the sea ". Bruno challenged the teachings of Holy Scripture, operands of the primitive idea of the existence of a flat stationary Earth. Bold ideas and performances Bruno called hatred scientist from the church. And when the longing for home, Bruno returned to Italy, he was extradited to his pupil Inquisition. He announced in apostasy. After seven years of incarceration in prison he was burned at the stake in Rome for the area of Flowers. Now here is a monument with the inscription "Giordano Bruno. From the century, which he foresaw, in the place where the fire was lit. "