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Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich

( Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Member of the Academy of Creativity.)

Comments for Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich
Biography Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich
Born March 16, 1938 in the village Zagainovo Trinity area of the Altai Territory. Father - Mubarak (1902. born.). Mother - Bagytay (1911. born.). Daughter - Assia (genus. 23.02.1969 g.).

In 1959 he graduated from the Physics Department of the Kazakh State University in physics - theorist. In 1966 he defended his thesis for a Ph.D. degree in Physics and Mathematics at Leningrad State University under the leadership of Academician IN. A. Fock. In 1985 he defended a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR specialty theoretical and mathematical physics. Academician Abdildin is an expert in the theory of relativity and gravitation. Professor. Since 1970 he has been working in the Kazakh State University. In 1970 - 1981 he. and from 1986 to the present holds the chair of theoretical physics, and from 1988 to 1991. - Rector of the University.

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Academy of Creativity (r. Moscow), member of the Presidium of Russia Gravitational Association, Program Manager 'Theoretical studies of gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions' in the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Created adiabatic theory of motion of bodies in general relativity. Hypothesized - 'Gravity as a source of magnetism'. Under his leadership protected 6 theses for the degree of candidate of science.

Academician Abdildin is actively engaged in teaching - they read a number of general and special courses for Theoretical Physics. Academic Abdildin deserved reputation not only as a scholar and teacher, but also as an organizer of science. He was Deputy Science Foundation of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the first in Kazakhstan, the Council for the Protection of doctoral dissertations on the specialty 'Theoretical Physics', actively participated in the establishment of Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics at the Kazakhstan State University,
. Al-Farabi, which is headed by a department of Theoretical Physics. He is a member of the organizing committee 9-th Russia Gravitational Conference (z. Novgorod, 1996) and a member of the Coordinating Council of the International Conference on the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation (r. Jerusalem, 1997).

Author of more than 80 scientific papers, including the monograph "Mechanics of Einstein's theory of gravitation '- the Alma-Ata.: Publishing. 'Science', 1988, article 'Communication of gravity with electromagnetism' - Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata.: Publishing. 'Science', 1968.

Lives and works in g. Alma-Ata.

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  • George for Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich
  • Meyrhan Mubarakovich Abdildin - a great scholar of encyclopedic knowledge and advanced views of people. How nice that the commonwealth of independent states still have such people!
  • Ualikhan Adaev for Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich
  • I have a view on the nature and properties of gravity, contained in the electronic version. As one of the national academic specialists in this field Abdildin Meyrhanu Mubarakovichu want to propose for consideration. Sincerely Ualikhan Adaev 29.08.2007g
  • Ualikhan Adaev for Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich
  • I have a view on the nature and properties of gravity, contained in the electronic version. As one of the national academic specialists in this field Abdildin Meyrhanu Mubarakovichu want to propose for consideration. Sincerely Ualikhan Adaev 29.08.2007g
  • Le Cam for Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich
  • J'ai prйnommй mon fils de 6 ans Meyrhan, pensant l'avoir inventйe! J'aimerai connaitre l'origine de ce prйnom ainsi que sa signification? mercii
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    Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich, photo, biography
    Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich, photo, biography Abdildin Meyrhan Mubarakovich  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Member of the Academy of Creativity., photo, biography
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