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Markov Tolstoy

( Honored trainer of the USSR, Honored Doctor of Russia, President of the Federation of Sports Medicine Russia)

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Biography Markov Tolstoy
Born May 18, 1936 in Moscow. Father - Nikolai Markov (1903-1960), worked in OSOAVIAHIMe. Mother - Mitin Anna (1901-1974), was a railway doctor clinic. Son - Markov Lev (1959g.rozhd.), A doctor of the Moscow city sports Clinics N1.

In 1954, after graduating from high school enrolled in Vitebsk Medical Institute, at 3-m course was transferred in 2-nd Medical Institute named after Pirogov, who graduated in 1960. Received the distribution in the Moscow City sports Clinics N 1. From 1963 till now works as the chief physician of the institution.

LN Markov engaged in medical training many outstanding athletes, including the double Olympic champion, a multiple champion of the USSR Olga Pleshkova, Hockey A. Maltsev, P. Bure, V. Kasatonov, etc.. His patients in different years were Vizbor Yu, A. Rosenbaum, N. Karachentsev, Korzhakov, V. Anpilov, many other celebrities.

LN Markov - one of the largest in the country and overseas experts in the field of sports medicine, which he devoted his entire life. He is a world first discovered and described the clinical signs and causes of death in the DIC syndrome in athletes. He was the first to study this sport the disease, its prevention and treatment in the national sports medicine. He is constantly working on the problems of doping in athletes, doping control and prevention of doping agents.

The results of the LN Markov studies formed the basis for creating a unique biomedical training programs for athletes and astronauts. Under his leadership, preparations were members of teams of the USSR and the leading athletes to compete at various levels - the Olympic Games, World and European championships, including the ski races, biathlon, speed skating. He was a member of the Olympic delegation of the USSR in France, . Canada, . Yugoslavia, . Norway, . Japan, . was the chief doctor of the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, participated in the preparation and treatment of astronauts, . for which he was awarded medals of SP Korolev and Gagarin,

. LN Markov repeatedly participated in the Russian and international congresses and conferences, . I addressed the session of the European Parliament on combating drug abuse and doping in Prague (1996), . seminar at the World of sports doctors in Paris (1998),
. Repeatedly performed a series of lectures at the universities of Pittsburgh and Los Angeles (USA). Has organized World Symposium on sports medicine in Moscow.

LN Markov - Honored coach of the USSR, Honored Doctor of Russia, President of the Federation of Sports Medicine Russia. He was awarded with Orders of Friendship of Peoples (1980), two Orders of Honor, many medals. His research in sport awarded gold medals VDNH and Sports Committee of the USSR. In 1996 he was awarded the prize "Triumph" and recognized as the best sports doctor Russia. In the same year he was awarded the Mayor of Moscow for a scientific study on the topic "Changes in hemostasis in athletes during a heavy physical exertion".

He is an academician of the Academy of Entrepreneurs of Russia. In addition to the scientific and practical activity is a teaching job in Russia Academy of Physical Culture and Sport. He holds the rank of professor.

LN Markov published more than 120 publications, including overseas. It - founder and editor in chief of the scientific journal Journal of Sports Medicine of Russia ".

He is fond of sports, art, philosophy. An avid theater-goer. He loves animals - cats and dogs, the house contains two bull terriers.

Lives and works in Moscow.

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Markov Tolstoy, photo, biography
Markov Tolstoy, photo, biography Markov Tolstoy  Honored trainer of the USSR, Honored Doctor of Russia, President of the Federation of Sports Medicine Russia, photo, biography
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