Stresner Alfredo (Alfredo Strö²ssner)( statesman and political leader of Paraguay, General)
Comments for Stresner Alfredo (Alfredo Strö²ssner)
Biography Stresner Alfredo (Alfredo Strö²ssner)
A descendant of German immigrants. He has a higher military education in Paraguay and Brazil. May 4, 1954, being (since 1952) Chief of the armed forces, made a coup d'etat. With the support of the Army established its election as president of Paraguay, was re-elected "president in 1958, in violation of the Constitution of 1940 - in 1963 and after an amendment to the Constitution of 1967 - 1968, 1973 and 1978. Imposed a regime of military dictators and police, protecting the interests of the reactionary groups, local landowners of the comprador bourgeoisie, as well as foreign (primarily North American monopolies). In foreign policy the government is working closely Stresnera most reactionary regimes in Latin America.